The Daily News Leader from Staunton, Virginia (2024)

PAQEN1NE The word "epigram'' originally meant simply an Inscription but now connotes a pithy statement In prose or verse. U.S. Silent On Palestine Issue STAUNTON WEATLIEU B. L. CASON Cooperative Observer V.

S. D. If stirr vii THE EVENING LEADER, STAUNTON, MONDAY, MARCH 29, 19115 vOy 4 'y'rrs r-3 r- mPi 1 (8 a. m. March 38 to 8 a.

m. March 29:) Maximum 41. Minimum 31. Precipitation 0. Prevailing wind direction from east.

For Salo Lost V- See or Call R. T. BEAVER Rt. 2, Staunton For SEPTIC TANK PUMPING Reasonable Rates Phone 910 Classified Rates Jo per frori (13 word mlnlmam) 1 time in both papers 4Se timet to both papen $2JU Contract Rates upon reqaesL i n'-n i i j( ii iiji'jit- nn ir Ijjllll '-4 LZ ALTHOUGH HE HAD BEEN EXPECTED to state the U. S.

views on the proposed establishment of a trusteeship over the Holy Land, Warren Austin (right, top) chief American delegate to the U. surprised the session by remaining silent. At left is Sir Alexander Cadogan, British representative. At bottom, Jewish leaders make little effort to conceal their concern. Shown (1.

to are: Karel Ltslcky, chairman, of the Palestine Commission; Raul DLez de Madlna, vice-chairman and Abba Hillel Sliver, the American spokesman for the Jewish Agency. (International) "ism Cemeteries in Europe contain the graves of 30,908 American war dead of World War I. boro; Hazel Mae Fleeman, Waynesboro. JEE1VQU cranky 'every month'? Are you troubled by distress of female functional periodic disturbances? Does this make you feel so tired. hlRh-strung, nrcou at euch times? Then do try Lydla E.

Pink-ham's Vegetable Compound to relieve such symptomsl Plnkham's Com- found is made especially or women, also has vbat Doctors call a stomachic tonic effect! Any drugstore. IYDIA PINKHAM'S Km STOP EXTRA FUEL COSTS and Upkeep of Sldewalls ASBESTOS SHINGLE SIDING, also Briclc Siding, applied over your present siding. Cash or no Money Needed Small Monthly Payments R. H. AREY Phone Stannton 2164 Waynesboro 620 Summary For Week Record of meteorological observations taken by the cooperative observer of the Weather Bureau during the week ending March 27.

Date High Low Preclp. Char. 21 78 55 Clear 22 82 62 clear 23 80 55 .78 Cloudy 24 45 .68 Cloudy 25 65 39 Clear 3 81 37 Clear 27 65 42 .46 Cloudy 0 Diseases of the heart and blood Vessels cause almost 600.000 deaths every year In the United States. 'BANK BOCOCX, Auctioneer At PUBLIC AUCTION Thursday, April 1, 1918 at 10130 a. nt.

On the V. W. Sohamseher farm, lo-eaud three and one naif (34) miles west of Stannton, or, one half (4) mile east of Xebron Church, on the Bnttermllk Spring Road. Having sold say farm, will sell to the highest bidder, the following farm eaulo- saent, and live stock. This equipment has only handled one orop.

wuver to tractor, ft. motor arty, em combine, wood saw with belt, eora planter, fertiliser attachment; 1 bottom tractor' plow, International ft. tandem also with tracks, section spike tooth harrow, manure spreader on rubber, trsotor type grain drill, grass seed and fertlllaer attachment, horse-drawn mower, rid ing cultivator, walking plow, motor axiveu cream separator au steel wagon 14 In. sides, and hay lad ders oa rubber, Harvey Xammer Kill and Belt, large galvanised wat er Tank, 43 ft. extension ladder, one 10 ft.

and one la ft. orchard ladder. platform scales, buggy and harness. saaous and bridle, looo lb. deep freeie, also hand tools and ml- aellaneous, entter box, two milk sows, one heifer, work horses, about 40 laying hens and 400 barrels aorn and soma ground feed tbrjui CASK, day of sale.

T. W. SGHUVACHBR, Owner. 3 tl-3t-me-oard SALE OF VALUABLE FAR3I LANi)S AT PUBLIC AUCTION We will offer for sals at publlo auction in front of the Augusta County Courthouse in Staunton, Virginia, at 13 o'clock noon, on Saturday, April 3, 1948 the following described parcels of land situated about live (01 miles east of Staunton, Virginia, on the waters of Christian's Creek In South Blver Magisterial District of Augusta County, of which ths lata B. Hamilton and ths lata William P.

Hamilton, died, seised and possessed and consisting of three (3) tracts as follows I (1) 173 acres, roods, 8 poles, with two-story metal roof frame house thereon) property of ths late B. Hamilton. (3) 40 aores; property of ths tats B. lies Hamilton. (3) 183.S5 acres; jointly owned by the late B.

lee Hamilton and the lata William P. Hamilton. Ths foregoing1 tracts of land will be offered separately and as a whole. The right Is reserved by the un- dersigned to aooept or rejeot any and all bids. TBBMSt Cash or terms oan be arranged on day of sale.

PARMBBS AND MXBCXAXTS BANK OP STAUNTON, Bxeontor of B. Lee Hamilton, deceaseO, am agent and attorney is fact for the heirs at law of William P. Xamll. ton, deceased. FOUND ON THE COURT RECORD Marriage Licenses Filed in the county clerk's office Lewis Randolph Collins, Waynesboro: Hattie Jacqueline Campbell, Waynesbro.

Ronny Grant Jones, Route Thelma Joyce Gwin, Route 1. Ernest Lee Hupman, Waynesboro: Mary Victoria Hutchinson, Waynesboro. Herbert Cecil Boyne, Ford wick; Bertha Herring Clark, Augusta Irvine Watiins Roby, 19 West Peabody Elizabeth Moran, Craigsville. Fred Calvin Thompson, Chicago; Doris VanPelt Hanger, Verona. Harold Swanson Moyer, Waynes- WANTED List Vour Farm For Sale We Have Customers for Several Small Farms Priced Under Callisou Company Inc.

Echols Building, Stannton, Virginia Phone 1128 27,210 Sq. Feet Of Lot Area, A HOPE CHEST HOME Five spacious rooms and bath on the First Floor. Second Floor designed for Future Expansion of two bed rooms and bath. Full basem*nt. Laundry Tubs, Automatic Winter Air Conditioned, Gas Heat.

Home available for immediate occupancy. Prica $13,400 Mclntyre Timberlake REALTORS Professional Bide Phone 444 USED CARS 1946 Ford Station Wagon 1946 Ford Tudor 1946 Chevrolet Tudor 1946 Chevrolet Fordor 1946 Chevrolet Fordor 1941 Chevrolet Tudor 1941 Ford Tudor 1941 Ford Coupe 1933 Ford Tudor AH cars except '33 Ford carry a Written Guarantee Augusta Motor Sales, Inc. 108 S. New Street Phone 1184 Dealer License No. 23 WHVeS ABOUT AN HOUaAGO-'LAD BH THE NAMH CT RAN HE'S IM THe.

HCSPirAld For Sale 0 llll I work old and 1 older; "-wheel tralUr, "MOST KAWO for sale. Good condition. Jt'tione -70. J-29-lt-ep KaTSKYXlTGr blower systsm ior iwjn ior saie, complete with ducts. ur.

mmuei vesi, cnariottesvllle. -29-St-ep VOR BALI 2 nulla, whlla ami. dress, navy blue, spring coat, sixe u. x-iiuiie 2iu. l-29-lt-l-only-p JFOBTAQB IIIMT 1U.0HHOI Dis pensea 10 and Jo stamp-.

Attrao nve mapie nmsa Tea, 1001. l-29-lt-ep mco*kuxox szximra Diesel wheel tractor. Krlek thresher and An Arbor hay baler equipped for thtChing and baling: In one op eration ior sale. All in good con. ri tt Ion Trn PMinn.hU U.v.

ai. Brothers, Lone Fountain, Virginia, i-none, Staunton 43S-J-2. l-29-St-ep SLAKSWIOX gas range for sale, apartment slse. practically new. half-price Owner leaving city rea on ior aemng.

Telephone as-w-ll, s-zs-u-ec TWO practically new Whlsxer motor uikob, in excellent condition, clar ence Lione Fountain, Vlr jrinia. r'hone Staunton, 438-J-Z. l-29-2t-ep TWO BUTTS and fouf sport coats, size 39 long for sale; also some odd trousers; one tuxedo and full dress combination, size 38 regular. Phone 4 ui, Cleveland. l-29-St-eo kUBUU SPKEADXK New Idea, gooa running condition, fnone 1169-W through Waynesboro.

3-28-lt-mp TAKH ItACHINXBY Five dlso Oliver tractor plow. Like new. J476.UU. Myers Rhodes Equip. ment Lynchburg, Va, Phone 8111.

3-28-it-mc. TITE BURNER Oil range for sale, with built oven. Price JZ0.00, Floyd P. Landram, Staunton, Rt. Mew Hope itoaa.

l-28-lt-mp TOR SAIiB 1948 4-burner gas range. Owner moving from city, will sac rifice. Call 1033-J. 8-28-lt-mc 100 OAIiIiOIf Harty spray outfit, In. eluding motor; also zenith battery raftlio.

L. A. Allen, RU I Staunton, ntjir Laurel Hill t-27-St-mp POTATOES for sale. Reasonable. C.

F. Coeyman, Fishersville, Rt. I. I-27-3t-mp SA8BBALZ1 SHOES now In stock. All sizes, $5.96.

Also bats from $1.00 to 12.25. Gloves from I3.9& to Mitts from $4.95 to $6.95. Chest protectors, $6.95. Leg guards, $7.96, Store, 6 S.

Augusta St. TOR SAJUB Nsw Crosier seven ft refrigerator. 2 Apex washers. Deep Freeze. Leggett's Dept.

Store. t-25-4t-mo nrwr vrawaRlr(itlv mutA amill Spinet piano, with ench. Monthly lrms may do tuiajigcu. tT i un joua 779, Staunton. t-25-6t-mo 1000 CHICK capacity battery brood er, 2 finishers, good conaition.

Enoch Byler, Stuarts Draft, Va, l-25-6t-mo VIED CXiOTHXirO Coats, suits, dresses and raincoats. Low prices. 614 W. Frederick St. LiCC TOP for driveways.

Sam Gardner. Phone 248 or contact Mr, M. M. Hutchinson, phone 2214-J. t-22-12t-eo Kom APPLIANCES Gas and Elec trio ranges, apartment and full size, hot water heaters, deep ireeze units, anartment siee washing ma chines, steam and electric irons, radios, coffee makers and automa tic tosters.

Staunton Paint wall Paper Co. Phones 463 2384. muih fJT.TDTTia Select vour Gil tier ana porcn cnairs now wnne rtr stock is complete, unne 120 jr. Beverley Staunton, va. USED AND NSW house trailers, ZUliy equipped, lo auwn, inuniiis per balance.

Bready garden tractors and attachments on display. Open evenings. Phone, Waynesboro, 1203. Patch's Trailer Service. l-19-30t-mo WASHING machines available.

7H to 8Vi pound capacity, limited quantity. Bendlx automatic washing machines. Apartment size 'gas ranges, eteuinu lougea, uvuem Kitchen Equipment, 274 N. Central Ave. Phons 1280-W.

UTTLB in the firmament is very permanent, but Wonderland's Sale goes on. Sunsuits to 6 years, boys girls inf. sizes, only $1.00. "Where, oh where, have you been, if you have-not seen Boater shorts for girls and boys, $2.25 at Wonderland. KE8K unclassified country eggs, 45o dozen; also hydrated lime for lawns and grit for chickens.

Reld Stores, Inc. CBBTHTED seed potatoes, onion sets, flower and vegetable seeds, toilet paper, towels, napkins, Win-dex, Bon Ami, Spick and Span, Pie Crust, rice, raisins, peaches, prunes, chocolate syrup, Easter egg color-, lng, candy. Augusta Grocery, 704 Middlebrook Phone 2039. OSTfY rorOXB irons have that wonderful cord control that makes your ironing so much easier Come in and see on today at the Singer Sewing Center. 206 West Beverley Street.

Phone J461-J. Announcements mniU BAZJ6.XCBD and aligned SL-lentllloally. No guees work. All juba fully guaranteed. Low pressure U.

8. Royal air ride tires in stock. Dosler Tire 'Co, SOBB'B CAMTUU.1 trained mechanics can make your sewing machine run Ilk newl One year guarantee covers all work; only genuine Singer parts used. Call today for a free repair estimate and ask about the Singer motor for treadle machines at yonr Singer Sewing Center, 206 W. Beverley 8t-, Staunton.

Phone 34IS-J. U-16-tf-mo Help Wanted SAXBS1VADT WANTBD Bear Book and Gift Store, Must be over $0, t-29-lt-ep BBI.TBT.B Middle aged man wanted, man lamny; experienced in gen. erat larmmg. modern machinery. feedlnir rjltflA and handltnir nnulfrv.

good references required. M. L. renu. wevera ulvb.

vl 3-27-3t-mp-card tOXVBBWABB Cleaning, plating, ponsning, nquia tJNusiiverj. Ap ply with cloth. Contains genuine silver. Renews sllvernlated ware articles, pieces. Sllverplates brass, copper, bronze.

Part, full-time agents wanted. NuProcess Pro ducts, Aurora, III, t-28-lt-mp BOTS WANTBD Over $50 week! Sell name plates for front doors. Write National Engraving, 212 summer. Boston, Mass. 3-28-lt-mp WANTBD Single man to work on farm.

Room and board furnished. Sam G. Cook, Staunton, Rt. 5 rnone 63-F-3. t-28-3t-mp WANTBD Boy 16 years or over.

with bicycle; hours suitable for boy going to school. Apply local western union. $-28-lt-mo SETTLED colored maid wanted In Lexington. Cooking and cleaning, Room on place, $15.00 per week. For details, call Staunton 526-W-l, 3-27-lt-ecASun OBDINABT Insurance salesmen.

Op ening for two good men, 60 per cent commission contract. No collecting. Excellent opportunity and future. Phone 2439 for appoint ment. t-27-3t-mo WANTBD Two men for cleaning and stacking brick.

Sam Gardner. t-26-3t-mo to fill nlrht watchman's do. sitlon in local garage. Excellent place for right man. Must furnish references and be absolutely sober.

Apply by letter to Night Man, Box 805, Staunton, Va. 1-26-tf-eo Poultry-Baby Chicks BABT CKXCXS Bloodtested Leg. horns. Reds. Rocks, unsexed.

$7.95 per 100. Heavy mixed $6.95. Jumbo broiler chicks $2.95. Ship C.U.D., London Poultry, Box 1844, Tren ton, N. J.

3-28-lt-mc BEST QUAtmr Bloodtested N. H. R. I. Reds, B.

Rooks, Rea-Kocit Crosses. Leerhorns $7.95 per loo, Mixed light and heavy breeds $4.95. Broiler or iryer cnicits, PromDt shipment. Live delivery, Willow Run Chicks, Box 748-N, Trenton, N. J.

3-28-lt-mo CXIOt MLB Special this week only. Finest auality. 1007 blood tested N. H. Reds, R.

I. Reds and Parmenter Reds, day old, $6.95 per 100. Send no money, we ship all baby chicks C.O.D., FOB. Quality Poultry 4415 Monticello Columbia, S. C.

S-28-lt-mp STARTED CHICXS We offer for limited time only, nnest quality 100 bloodtested N. H. Reds and R. I. Reds, 2 to 3 weeks old, $12.50 per 100.

Send money order; no started chicks shipped C. O. D. i 1 1 Viuanty poultry iiio juuuu cello Columbia, S. WEAVER'S ZI.BCTBIO hatched chicks.

Virgin la-U S. Approvea and Pullorum Passed Stronger and more easily raised. Ship Mon days and Thursdays. 100 per cent live delivery. Postage prepaid.

Barred Rocks, New Hampshires: straight. pullets, large a English White Leg. horns: straight, pullets. Leghorn co*ckerels, only, Crosses: straight. $14.00.

All prices per 100. Pnllets, Thursdays only. Orders less than 100, add la per chick. $2.00 books orders. To afold disappointment order chicks today for future delivery.

Weaver Electrio Hatchery. Stuarts Draft. Va, l-l-6mos-mo HIGH QTTAXTTT chicks, tT. 8. approvea funorum passea.

oarrea Rocks, New Hampshire Reds. Hatches weekly. Immediate de livery. Place your order Riverside Hatchery, Grottoes. Phono New Hope 42.

Wanted WANTBD Curtains to streten. Plain preferred. Mrs. Luther Trimble, 113 Richardson St. 3-28-lt-mp WASHING BUND1E Washing price very reasonable.

Dry outside work done satisfactory. Apply 601 Gooch St City. 3 28-lt-mp CURTAINS laundered and stretched; also several mornings work each week by reliable colored woman. Phone 552-J. 28-lt-mc WANTBD Farmers to grow sweet corn and tomatoes for cannery.

Sweet corn, $19.50 per ton. Tomatoes, $27.00 per ton. Bridgewater Canning Company, Bridgewater, Virginia. -27-3wks-card Wanted To Buy WANTED TO BUT Pick-up truck in good conaition, tu M. iroxeii, 216 Peabody Staunton.

Va, 3-27-2t-ep WANTBD Scrap iron old ear batteries ana raaiators copper brass beef hides rags waste- materials Martin Saull 16 Johnson 8L tCBAP IRON, copper, brass, paper magazines, books, rags, bones, hides, wool, batteries, aluminum, tires, radiators. Junk ot all kinds. Top prioao. JUoU Bros. OBIXD'B expansion gold bracelet.

naan snapea stone. IvOsi in Me tro ry store tmturaay arternoon. Reward, return to Leader Office. $-29-n-o Instruction INSTRUCTION Male, Diesel is places, come along! prepare for this good bay trade now. We will personally Interview mechani cally inclined men.

Full lntorma tlon ftirniHhed, no obligation. Write Utilities Diesel Training, Box 23, care Leader, 3-21-lt-mp Business Service BBPRXOBRATOB service and elec- trio motor repair. Refrigerator Servloe, 608 W. Beverley St. Phone 2361.

3-29-6t-mp VENETIAN BUNDS wood, steel or aluminum; custom made to fit your windows. Call 2299 or write Home Service Box $42, Staun ton, Va, FOBTABLB UNIT Work don at your place of business or farm. Evans Welding and Metal Fabrl. cation, 125 Greenville Ave. Phone $717.

Miscellaneous OWN TOUR HOUB Why pay rent. Will build you a four room house with room for bath, for $3,600. $40 or $50 per month. No down payment required. Larger house in proporatlon, but no high priced houses built.

Lets talk it over anyway. A. Wythe Hanger, 900 Montgomery Ave. Phone 1781-W. 3-28-lt-mp For Rent TO A SOBBR OOUPU Four room apartment and bath for rent.

Private entrance, no chldren or pets. Possesion Immediately. Call 1745-W. t-29-lt-eo PURNTSHED room for rent. Close to bath.

Young girl or couple. Write Room 7. care Leader Office. $-29-2t-ep GARA.GB and automobile sales room for rent. Best automotive location in Staunton.

Apply S. Glenn Cline, Drawer 779, Staunton, Virginia, t-28-6t-mo THBBB-BOOBt XOUSH for rent. furnished or unfurnished. Located between Stuarts Draft and Lynd-hurst, known as Carl East Lane. Phone 114 any day during week before 8 a.

m. or after 4 p. m. Nights, Dixie Hotel, Room 24. t-28-lt-mp TTVB-BOOBf XOUSB Park Addl- tlon.

Possession April 1. Apply Carl Kelley, Rt. 5, Park Addition, Staunton. l-27-2t-ep Wanted To Rent WANTBD to rent, pasture at once by season, for about 15 head, within 15 miles Staunton. Write H-90 Leader.

$-29-3t-ep WORKING COUP1B Wants to rent a or room nouse in country, ixui over 4 5 miles from town. No children. Write Couple -2, care Leader. 3-28-2t-mp Position Wanted TWO BOTS. Wants farm work by month, with house lurnisnea.

Write to A. D. Pults, near Madrid, Rt. 1, Waynesboro. 3-28-lt-mp POSITION WANTBD Night watch man, store helper, service station or any light work.

Apply B. F. care Leader, 3-28-lt-mp Card Of Thanks WHISSCAN We wish to thank our neighbors, friends and the hospital staff for their kindness during the illness and death of our daughter and sister. THE WHI3MAN FAM1LI. 3-29-lt-ep-c HENDERSON wish to ezpess our appreciation to our irrami n.l.hhn,.

fn. tholr Irlnrinftftfl and sympathy during our recent sorrow. xne ramu. l-28-lt-bp-mp 7. PRANK.

BOCOOBT, Auotlonear SALE OF VALUABLE REAL ESTATE Am attnra 4n Vast for the heirs at law of 3. Baxter Bailey, deceased, -1 nntilfa anctlon. on the premises located about fouf miles southwest of ths City of Staunton, on ths north side of the Middle-brook Road, Beverley Manor District, Augusta County, Virginia, on Tuesday, April 6, 1948 at 10)30 o'clock a. sV ths I. Baxter Ballsy farm, consisting of 113 acres, more or lass, Im proved with a substantial 8-room dwemngr nouse, a wxou bmk and a 80x40 ehioksn, house, all in (gwi fronts approximately 1300 feet oa the Middlebrook Road.

Approximately 80 aores of this farm oan be cultivated; 33 aores Row In -small grain wheat, oats and barley 8 aores in oreuara. offer to received the undersigned will enter AmtM fa aala ot tha BalB land to the highest bidder, possession to be delivered Immediately, the deed, however, cannot be delivered until oa or about October 18, 148. Terms to be announced on nay sals. J. J.

B1ILIT, Attorney in Pact for Heirs of t. Baxter Bailey. 3-Bt-ebpP FOR SALE yt Ton International PICKUP TRUCK 1940 Model A-l condition. Also White Enamel Kitchen Cabinet. Mrs.

Edna Beaver, Phone 910. 110-80 McCormlok Peering tractor, for auie. in extra gooa conaition, new immi. Arne uini ae Bona, Zh miles south ot New Hope, on FUh ersvine itoua. t-27-2t-ep HIQH arBED Polishing machine, available for sale or rent.

Com plots line of floor materials, waxes, varnishes, stain, filler, shellac, can oryan-jBocK, H7DX. l-16-tf-mo BBBVXLT KOTOmS In stock for im mediate delivery! through voras aaa exenang luuk, throush 1936 Ford motor sr. Changs $124.96. 1917 Ford motor exchange $127.96. 1938 Ford motor exchange $132.96.

1939 through ismi ss vn iuu H. p. Fords exchange $139.95. 1939 through 1947 new ora motors exenange $179.96, 1933 and 1934 Che v. motors at.

change $116.96. 1935 through 1946 Chev. car and truck motors exchange $116.96. 1933 through 1941 Plymouth motors exchange $137.95. 1934 through 1941 Dodge motors exchange $142.96.

1933 through 1941 Dodge truck motors exchange $162.95. Written guarantee same as new cars, can be bought for 10 per oent down and ud to 15 months to pay salanse. Montgomery vvara wo, main store, Staunton, eu 8-5-mo-tf Real Estate For Sale BBAUTirUL 1VOTS1 22 of thera. ueveriey urove. For quick sale, only $5,000 for all.

Terms. F. C. ttaraer Xii Augusta St riVB BOOK HOUBB for sale, bath, huh, iignts, water, lurnace, basem*nt, attic spaoe for 2 rooms. Garden, fruit trees started, block from service station, super market, barber shop, laundry, variety store, cleaner, bowling center, IV, block irora cnurpn.

Apply in Austin i a. to i t-29-lt-eo BI.BY3IN-B001C HOTTSB Electrici ty, gas, bath. In excellent condl tlon. Approximately 1 acre of land. About 2 mi.

west of Waynesboro on tit. Z5U. All necessary outbuild, ings. Beautiful home, early pos session. For particulars contact Clem Co.

Phone 2286. nn3-29-2t-eo S-BOOX HOUSE Barn, outbuild ings, I'i acres land, about hall way between Oralgsville and Au gusta springs, 334UU. O. Gregory, craigsvuie, va. t-29-lt-mp EIGHT LOTS in Staunton Park ad dltion See or write Mrs.

Vesta Kincaid, 816 Berkeley Place, Staun ton. $-29-lt-ep S3 ACRES Rich smooth land, fruit, water, timber, houses, $850, down. George Miranda. Blue Creek. onio.

3-28-lt-mp NTCB 5 -room bungalow for sale, In the city. Large lot. Phone 1851-W, 3-27-3t-eo SEVEN-ROOK. RESIDENCE locat ed in Verona. Lot, 86x337.

Tut-nac heat, hardwood floors, modern kitchen, antomatle hot water, built-in stove, and refrigerator In cluded with property oan mads Into two apartments. Prnlt trees, garage, asphalt front and drive, and largs chicken home on property, Possession April 1. Can be seen by appointment only. Only 913,460. Coll 4dO-T-S after 7 p.

m. lor ap pointment. Before 6i30 p. nu, call waynesboro, no, carver war. shall, owner.

3-36-at-ep rOUB, BOOK brick veneer house with well on back porch; six acres land for sale. Apply Marshall C. Plecker, Stuarts Draft, -on road 608, or Cold Spring Road 2 810 miles from Calvary Methodist Church. 3-26-3t-mp Used Cars For Sale 1933 POBD 4-door sedan, A-l con dltion. New tires; can be seen at Bryant's Shell Station, Middle, brook Ave.

-29-lt-p 1942 PIiEETXiINB Chevrolet, radio, heater, good tires, good condition, 1208 Churchvllle Kd. Phone 448-WA after 6:30 p. m. a-29-lt-ec 1935 PLYMOUTH delux sedan. Good buy.

Can be seen at E. Steffey, Buttermilk Spring Road. J-29-lt-ep 1938 BODOB 7 passenger sedan, first class condition, lias to be seen to. be appreciated. Arnold's Taxi, 18 N.

New St. Phone 138. 3-28-3t-mp '41 FOBD For sale, new motor. Stoddard's Esso Service center. 3-28-2t-mp rNTEBNATIONAX ton H.D.

model 1941, with or without van type body, for sale. International 2M ton K-6, model 1941, without body. License No. 87. Sullivan Motors, 306 N.

Augusta St. I-27-3t-mo 1939 XZBCTXBY 4-door sedan. Ex cellent condition. New tires. Price $800.

Max Hlrtrlter, Mt. Sidney. -27-2t-mp 1937 DODGE 4-door sedan. Runs wen. price less tnan istu.

rnone 833-J. 3-27-2t-mp 1946 OXZVBOLBT pick-up, A-l con dition. Will trade for fairly late model dump-truck, if in A-l con- dltion. Write Box 26-N Leader. 26-3t-mc Livestock For Sale 1 ANGUS BULL 14 months old, pare.

bred, for sale. James H. Harris, Route 3, Fishersville. Telephone, Staunton, 23-F-4. 27-3t-mp Pets PUPPIES, rat terriers, small.

Nice pets and good guard dogs, 3 conies, 1 Shepherds, male and female, wooly puppies for Easter. $5 each. Apply 44 Peyton St. -1-tf-ec Livestock Wanted WANTED POB Tuesday, nil kinds of lambs, sheep, calves, cattle, bogs and pigs. Remember sales very Tuesday at Staunton Livestock Market.

Ino- A FJata Business Opportunities IB UM TlONS Have fifty mechani cal Inventions for the various manufacturers. James W. Buck, ML Solon, Va, 2-lt-mp BODY FENDER WORK PAINTING Expert Workmen Reasonable Prices T. P. Byers Truck Inc.


SHOU) NI6HT, TO HIM MAVBS IT'S PEPOBTEO THIS TGOOO r-j MY NTUlTlOM WCaJG i jnm Sj0Ti EVENING A I I CWECTMg, CAQ, I MEAN, FOLLA OlTOT JX FOLLA Me TV THe XXTXB Baby carriage and bassinette for sale. In good condition. 212 Kalorama St. Phone 2353-J, after 7 p. m.

rtTCBZB, JOB tAU Over 2.000,000 Wet green growing saw timber, tnostly oak. Located on homeplace late S. V. Turpln. If Interested contact undersigned who will show by appointment.

Timber sold cash. A. V. TftYpin, Executor 8. V.

Turpln estate. Routs Lexington. 1-2 1-3 t-mjMsard.

The Daily News Leader from Staunton, Virginia (2024)


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Name: Tyson Zemlak

Birthday: 1992-03-17

Address: Apt. 662 96191 Quigley Dam, Kubview, MA 42013

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Job: Community-Services Orchestrator

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Introduction: My name is Tyson Zemlak, I am a excited, light, sparkling, super, open, fair, magnificent person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.