The Daily News Leader from Staunton, Virginia (2024)

,.7 i i 1 yr- Ty; -V THE STAUNTON NEWS-LEADER SUNDAY MORNING, DECEMBER 15, 1948 PAGE ELEVEN ,4 Raymond Hanger, Shemrd Snel OBITUARIES FRANK DAVID BROWN Check Your Use The Classifieds. Results 1 1 ii i mm' SAMUEL M. BISHOP Samuel M. Bishop, 62, of Hopewell, formerly of Augusta County, died Friday night at University Hospital, Charlottesville, where he had been a patient since last Sunday. A He was.

born in Augusta County, son pi Francis and Mat tie Miller Bishop. Survivors include his wife. Ber W. J. Marion; two daughters, Mrs.

Kenneth Sensabaugh, Staunton, and Mrs. P. D. Gilbert, Richmond; Ave grandchildren; five brothers, Walter; George, and John Road-cap of Staunton, Harmon Roadcap of Waynesboro, and Wheeler Roadcap of Tallahassee, two sisters, Mrs. George Burford of Staunton and Mrs.

Earl Arxnenirout of Akron, O. For Sale Lost Wanted tie Bolen Bishop; one son, Guy E. of Carrollton; one brother, Harry A- of Hopewell; and three grandchildren. Funeral arrangements are being completed. THOIAS R.

PAXTON Mt. Jackson, Dec. H. Funeral services were held here Thursday at 2 p. m.

for Thomas Roscoe Paxton. 74. well-known business man of this community who died at 10 a. m. Tuesday on his way to a hospital.

Interment was at Mt. Jackson Cemetery. He was born at Moffett's Creek, Dec. 4, 1872. Survivors include his widow.

Margaret Newland -Paxton; one daughter. Miss Catherine of Washington, D. one son, William N. of Huntington. W.

and two brothers, J. Rodney of Moffett's Creek and Ernest of Ft. Defiance. Pallbearers were Sam Hlden, Phelps Payne. Ira Compton, and Lorain, Gordon, and Courtland Bowman.

MRS. BESSIE M. MARION Mrs. Bessie May Marion, 60, died at 12:50 m. Saturday at her home, 1044 West Beverley Sueet, She had been ill since June.

Mrs. Marion was bora in Augusta Courity July 22, 1886, a daughter of Edward and Nannie HelmJclc Roadcap. She is samved by her hu-iband, COUNTY BUSINESS Good Country Store doing: about a hundred dollars a day. Nice home, good store building and about 2 acres of land. A real nice little business and priced to sell.

Classified Rates So per word (15 word minim nm) 1 time fn both papers 45o 6 times in both paper Contract Rateji upon reqsest. For Sale TTJXEDO. Sue 38. In good condition. Resdy for Yuletide wear.

U-14-2t-cp CHILD! DESK. Call 101S-W. 12-14-lt-eC Good condition. POB SAXB 5 registered co*cker spaniel pup. Apply H.

H. Full farm. Spring Hill Road. 12-14-3t-ee TS CHRISTMAS trees for sale. All siats.

James Campbell, 324 B. 8t Clair city. I'hone 1458-W, 12-13-2t-ep ZJLTHES, HE All, new, for sale. 40 ft. by 2 ft.

4 Inch. 135 for lot. William Zink, phone 409, Box 1079, Staunton. 12-J3-2t-ec WW BEDS, Hollywood style, with spreads, vanity table, two vanity lamps. Apply 201' Churchville Ave.

12-12-3t-ep TO EI Two white enamel cast iron double cirainboard sinks also few used ginks with, backs. Martin Shull, 16 W. Johnson' St, 1212-3t-ec IISVW OAS refrigerator, apartment size, excellent condition. Phone 1518-J after 6 m. 12rl2-3t-ec CHRISTMAS GITTS of apples.

Bushels, half butihels. Packed to ship by express no extra charge. Fruit cakes, ham, case of canned foods. Eeid Stores, Jnc. XOR 8ALB 5-bumer built-in oven oil range, gas "range, radios, electric appliances, sewing machine, chest drawers, vanity to match, furniture, jewelry.

Brown's Store, 11 W. Johnson St. TOM SALE Wreaths, holly, mistletoe and Christmas trees, after De-eember 16 at Hardy's lot. Bill Vines, phone 1548 or 934-M. 12-10-6t-p VOW AT Wright's Wonderland -wlrite all-wonl athletic socks.

Sizes 8 to 11. $1.00. XADIES HOME JOUKNAI. new subscriptions now available. 3.00 per year; years $5.00.

Not too late for Christmas. Mrs. Chas. K. Brown, Leader Ofnce, Staunton.

12-9-tf-ec WATCH TOR SAAB Lady's 17-jewcl Hamilton wrist watch, 22 diamonds on platnum case. Write "Watch" care Leader. BTOW ATATXABLB No. 15 lb. asbee-i tos felt Ideal for underneath shingles and siding.

Bryan and Beck, 11-24-tf-mc AKBRICAIT BTOVB AMD BBTTBB ri zines are still only $1.50 each year, and they make grand Christmas gifts. Better order at once. Mrs. Icnas. urown, jjeaaer wince, Staunton, Va.

11-22-tf-mp SHIPMBirT of comfortable chairs. Platform rockars reclining chairs, some with matching foot-stoola Tapestry covers; also brocaded materials. Staunton Furniture Co 9 and. 11 Augusta St BIAOASIITES FOR Christmas must be ordered early. Free' gift cards.

Booklet on request. Mrs. C. K. Brown, Leader office, Staunton, Va.

Il-ll-tf-eo PI. AIM RAIL windows, ideal for barns, brooder houses, adaptable to home building. Bryan-Beck. 21 W. Johnson SL 10-22-tf-eo rUNO Practice piano, rebuilt In perfect condition; priced $195.00.

Cllne's, 126 W. Beverley "Staunton, Vau Pries Virgil S. Gore Realtor's THE HOME OF GOOD FARMS Staunton, Virginia Frank Dsvld Brown 46, route 1, Waynesboro, died Saturday at 11:30 m. sfter being stricken with heart attack-He was bora July 7, 1901, In August County, a son of John W. and 'Bertie Smith Brown, who sur-' vive, in addition to nis wife, Mrs.

ChA1 TT.MM. TV. ill m.n.-A... a can juouigcr uvwu, nsjuuuuiu' two sisters. Mrs.

Louis Pox. and Mrs. Vemon Critser, toth of Afton; two brothers, Ollie Beck- ley, W. and John Brown, Charleston, W. one niece, Diana Brown; snd one nephew, Louis Brown, of the S.

Navy. Funeral services will be held Monday at 11 m. at the1 Chapel of the Etter Funeral Home, conducted by the Rev. D. Zip-perr, assisted by the Rev.

H. E. Truitt. Interment will be in River-view Cemetery. Pallbearers will be, active: Charles and Aubrey May, Floyd and Albert Dooms, Frank Hiser-man, James Hardy, Marvin Meadows, Vernon Jenkins; i honorary, H.

T. Miller, Jasper Parrish, Stuart Kennedy, Dr. R. s. Orifflth.

Joe Landis, Qrover Coiner, I William Hull, David Snelson, Vergil Brown, Livestock For Sale' SOW ART) p. 0. Hanger, Fishersville. Phone 80-F-1I, Staunton. 12-14-2t-ep C.

X. MILLER will sell TueSdav, Bee. 17, at Staunton Livestock Market, dairy cows, I thorough-bred Guernsey bull. Two of Jhese cows are very fine. See ing because owner going out of business.

12-13-4t-mc REGISTERED Angus cattle, bred heifers, open heifers, heifer calves and bred cows, finest blood lines, real stock; prices very reasonable. Write Box 811, Roanoke. REGISTERED Tennessee walking horse stud. Broke to ride and gentle. He; will easily pay his way in stud fees.

Complete line of Ten-nessee Walking Horses for sale at all times. Write Box 811, Roanoke. 12-13-8t-mp LIVESTOCK ROTICB. Tuesday, Dec. 17 is our last sale before Christmas.

Market closed December 24. Staunton Livestock Market. C. 0. Flats.

O. P. MoCXVBE, Anetloaeer PUBLIC SALE OF Personal Property To settle tht estate of the Ute BIr. and Mrs. X.

R. Pnlta we will sell at public auction on the farm, 3 '-i xollaa ont on the Mowry Mill Rosd, on Thursday, Dec. 19, at 10 a. the followimg; HORSES I Ray horse "Bill," works anywhere, good leader; grey horse 7 years old, works aaywhere, hut not a leader: bat horse "Dsn." years oML works rood: bar horse "Jerry," 3 years old, mot broken; nlack horse "Bake," yara old, aot broken, half bred g'altea saddle msxe "Maud," years old, may be oi seisre saie. OATTXBi Oaensey sows, xol- jieai inuasrs onernsey cow and eatf Jersey cow, good milker; red Stoek cow, rood xailker; 4 heifers, close springers, good brood sows, bred.

MACRTWBRT: Grain Dinfltr, xaa-nnre spreader, Jobs seere mower, corn planter, eon plow, hay rack, hay tedder, pnlTsriisr, drag, 3V4" 'row wagon, iron wheel farm wagon, 3 seotlon sprlag tooth harrow, section lerellng harrow, Syracuse xnrn plows, tnpls shovel plows, laying off plow, hoe drill, ft. truck platform, hay fork, rope and pulley wood, saw, lot of single tress, double trees, triple trees and crowa sticks. PSSDi 4 tons alfalfa hay, more or isss; tons of mixed hay In barn, xaore or lees approximately 4 tons mixed hay In stack, approximately tons oaiea straw, 7S barrels corn la crib, more or less; 00 bushels barley, more or less; lot of fodder in Held, contents of 10x30 silo, practically iui oi ensilage. XAREEMi Pair lead harness, 4 pairs hxeeehman harnsas, eoUars, bridles, lines and halters, Wllbnrn addle, English saddle, may be sold before salt; a riding hridlea. MZSOEXLARBOrSi Pairbanks platform soales, seonp pan, whailbur-row, grindstone, corn sheller, cutting box, sorn replanter, extension ladder, good canvas sheet, several brier sythes, good brooder stove, rou new eiucken wire, rous new fence, 8 rolls new barbad wlrt, lot 2x4s, lot of other lumber, a iron kettles and sttrrsr, anvil, 1 buck saws, cross out saws, axes, shovels, racks, hoes, sledge hammers, chains, pitch forks, erowbar, post hols diggers, mettox, garden plow, chicken feeders, and 10 gallon milk eaas, milk buckets, milk stralasr, milk eparater, lanterns, 1934 two-door Chevrolet coach, lot of and ends of furniture.


law of Etna Hunter Pnlts. ia-10-fft-ebp-ear son, Edgar Snelson, Paul Courtney, Hansford Hanger, Hrvbert Dooms, John Dooms, John Harner, Ray Harvey, Robert Boyd, George Miller, Mac Fitzgerald, Paul Ryder, Harold Purr, Aubrey Smith. Andy Polllck John Meets, Clyde May, and James Smith. 0 i' LEWIS THOMAS TAVIS Lewis tThomas Davis. Infant son of Lewis C.

and Lois Alt Davis, died at 7 a. m. Saturday at his home on Route 2, Waynesboro. He is survived by his parents; paternal grandparents. Mr.

and Mrs. William Davis, Wayneoro; and maternal grandparents. Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Alt Sacramento, Funeral services will be held Monday at 2 p.

m. at the Etter Funeral Home Ohapel, conducted by the Rev. Howard M. Wilson. Interment will be in the Tinkling Spring Church Cemetery at Flsh-ersvlllt.

i' o' ALMNE BrRKHOLDER Bridgewater, Dec. 14 Aldine Burtcholder, 73, a native of Rockingham County, died yesterday afternoon in hospital in San Marcos, Tex. He haa been in ill health for some time, but not critically ill until a few weeks ago. Mr. Burttholder was born April 2, IS73, st Dale Enterprise, a son of Mrs.

S. M. BurkehoWer and the late Cr. Burkholder. Mr.

Buithold-er spent his early life in Rodking-ham. but late moved to Texas where he taught at the State Teartiers College until his retirement three years ago. He was a member of the Presbyterian Churrh and foT many years a deacon in the church. Besides his 86-year-old mother, who still makes her home at Dale Enterprise, he is survived by his wife, one daughter, Mrs. Robert Shaver, San Antonio; one son, Clifford Burkholder, at home; two brothers, Walter and Ellis Burkholder, Dale Enterprise; two sisters, Mrs.

John Cliok, Bridgewater; Mrs. Simeon Breneman, Eldda, Ohio and two grandrhildren. Funeral services will be held Sunday from the Presbyterian Church, in San Marcos. -i. iW- JOHK MILLER McCOWN John Miller McCown, 64, died suddenly of a heart attack at his hom*o in Rockbridge Baths Friday at 3:30 p.

m. A native of Rockbridge County, he was born Jan. 13, 1882. a son of the late John A. McCown and Catherine Selena Dixon McCown, both of Rockbridge Baths.

Mr. McCown was a member of Ebenezer Associated Reform Presbyterian Church. Funeral services will be held at the graveside in Bethesda Cemetery in Rockbridge Baths today at 3 p. conducted by the Rev. S.

G. pastor. Surviving are two sisters, Mrs. E. E.

Watts, Rockbridge Baths, and Mrs. I. P. Schrimph, Anderson, S. and two brothers.

A. O. McCown and W. M. McCown, Rockbridge Baths.

PRARX ROOOCK, AacUouMT PUBLIC SALE i or Personal Property will at pabUe-auction at S14 Park Tlew Avennt, Staunton, Virginia, on Thursday, Dec. 19, beginning 10 rain or shine, tho following: 3-pisce living room suite, 3-plece dining room suite with 6 ohalrs, bedroom sulM with springs and I mattress. Scott radio, sewing machine, 4-pleee wleksr suite for sun parlor, library table, ond tables, other small tables, WesUnghons ra. frigsrator, studio couch, jars, crocks, kitohen utensils, breakfast room table with 4 ohalrs, 1 floor lamps, other lamps, ohalrs, walnut folding leaf tabls (antique), bedding, lower stands and flowers, pictures and pie-tnre frames, hall rack (antique) with marble top, kitchen press, magaslne raoxs, wool rug: sxxo, wool rug axis, several wool soatter rugs, eurtalna, dishes, silverware, muslo eablnet, 18 porch ohalrs, yard chairs, Taeuum cleaner, lawn mower, set of andirons, and other 'artloles too numerous to mention. TERMS CASE MRS.

O. D. CRICKS VRBRQBB, S14 Park Tlew A Staunton, To. TABLE and IXOOR thivs CAMPFIELDS If K. Centra! At.

STAUNTON, VA. SUssM P. M. our WTON to ear prwgra It. Please" Funeral services will be held from the home Monday at 2:30 p.

m. conducted by the Rev. Clifton C. Thcmas of the First Baptist Church of which she was member, assisted by the Rev. I.

T. Jacobs. Burial will be in Thorn rose Cemetery. Active pallbearers will be E. W.

Tattersall, E. L. Sragg; Jack For-man, S. I. Davis, William CroS, H.

W. Shepherd, David S. Wine. E. F.

Mauck; honorary. Wad Crone, Walter Glesn-r Lewis Ser-rett, Rollo Houff, Dr. Kenneth, Bradford, Dr. R. P.

Bell, Dr. R. P. Bell Jr, Roy E. Wnitmore, C.

Reid, J. E. Runnels J. E. Harvey B'act, Phf.ip Lee Lotg, Dr.


M. Perklnsoa, Bax t4l rhone ZS99 Six an ton, Va. W.II. EAST, Chairman S. II.

HALL, S. F. McCLURE. CLEANERS Proofin WARTED TO buy good used or new piano bench. Address D-15, care Leader.

12-15-lt-mp WAMTED TO rent about 100 acre farm, furnished or unfurnished. Write No. 11, care Leader. 12-14-lt-ep PARTT WORR Experienced waiter desires party work. Phone 1382-J after p.

m. for your dates. Lacy J. Taylor. 425 New St 12-10-3t-p-card WAMTED carpentry repair work Interior painting, Phone 2107-W, 12-13-4t-mp TOU CAR send your Life Magazine at $3.50 until Dec.

II. After that regular rate prevails, $5.50 per year. Christmas card sent free announcing gift Mrs. Chas. K.

Brown, Leader Office, Staunton, Va." 11-22-tf-mp SCRAP IROR, copper, brass, paper, magazines, books, rags, bones, hides, wool, batteries, aluminum, tires, radiators, junk of all kinds. Top prices, Klotx Bros. Used Cars For Sale 1034 CHEVROLET, priced reasonably. Appjy Hall's Service Station, Greenville Road. 12-15-lt-mp 1934 PORD 2-door sedan for sale; good tires.

Apply White' House Cottages, Verona. Phone 637-J-14. 12-15-lt-mp 1930 MODBX A Ford in good condition. See Karl Gabbent, Spring Hill Road mile left of Quick'a Mill. 12-14-2t-ep POB SAXB 1940 4-door Chevrolet Redan.

Excellent oondltlon. Phone 722-W. 12-14-2t-mp FOR SAXB 1938 4-door Chevrolet sedan, Good condition. Priced to sell. Phone Raphine 16-F-4.

12-13-2t-ep i Poultry-Baby Chicks WEAVER'S BXBOTRIO hatched chicks, Approved and Pullorura controlled. Stronger and more easily raised. Ship Mondays and Thursdays. 100 per cent live delivery. Postage prepaid.

Per 100. Large S. C. English White Leg. horns, $13; Large S.

CV English W. Leg. pullets, $3U; New Hampshires, $13; New Hampshire pullets. $16. Less, than 100, add lo per chick.

$1.00 books order. Phone Staunton 80-F-3. KIOR QUAXITT chicks. Vet, U. 8.

approved Pullorum passed. Barred Rocks, New Hampshire Reds. Hatches weekly, Immediate delivery Place your order. Riverside Hatchery, Grottoea, Phone New Hope 1S-F-1L Wanted To Rent VETERAR 8 years of service with child 2Vi, would like 3 -room furnished apartment. Write R.

E. Ellison, care Standard Coffee Gen- oral Delivery, Staunton, Va. ROOK WZTX meals or share apart ment with business girl. Phone 2163-W any time Sunday or Monday from 4 to 7. References, 12-14-lt-ec WARTBD BT -veteran and wife, 2 or 3 apartment, furnished or unfurnished.

Centrally located. Call 1442-R after 6:30 p. m. 12-14-2t-mp i WAMTED -2 or 8 room furnished or unfurnished apartment. Close in.

Write Apartment-6, care Leader office. 12-13-2t-ec For Rent 3, OR 4 room furnished apartment. Apply Charles Mc-C'mcken, 220 E. Main Waynesboro. 12-15-lt-mp ROOMS POB rent by day, week or month; nicely furnished, single and double; oil heat, private baths.

White House Cottages, Verona, 12-8-6t-mo Business Service PLOOR SERVICE Sanding, finish-ishing, polishing. Terms If desired. Home Service M. E. Perken-son, Box 342, Staunton.

Phone 1405-W. HERE'S HOW YOU CAN HELP REDUCE TRAFFIC ACCIDENTS: FIRST: Drive carefully, observing- all traffic ordinances. SECOND: Have your car serviced regularly by expert mechanics. For better service, priced to your liking SEE COMMUNITY MOTOR CORP. SUunton, Va.

Phone 614 SAFETY first' LOST Woman's tan cardigan sweater between Parkway Market and Park View Avenue Saturday morning. Reward! Return to Parkway Market or Leader office. 12-1 4-1 t-eo Announcements V- S. ROTAX Urea In stock. Complete tire and battery service.

Wheels scientifically balanced. Guaranteed recapping, vtrtoaalzing. DoxUr Tire Co. Phone $84. TOtTX PULLER brush man has 97 articles that make excellent Christmas presents.

Can make delivery in 24 hours from date of order. D. J. Henderson. Phone 78J-J, Staunton, Va.

12-ll-6t-ep EM STOCX for immediate delivery. Jordan 80 and 41 eublo foot reachtn refrigerators. Also 18 cubio foot glasstop frox.n food cabtnata. Radio, refrigsrator, and washer service. Home Appliance Service.

Phone 1100. Wanted To Buy TXOROUOXBRED oollie, ooAer spaniel or Irish setter puppy. Phone 1427, 12-li-lt-mp WAa xx TO buy projector for m.m. movie camera. I 'hone 12-15-lt-mo WAVTBS TO buy collie or shepherd puppy, ix to ten weeks old.

Phone 1744-W. 12-14-2t-mp WARTBD Furs hides rags scrap iron old car batteries and radiators wast materials. Martin Shull, IS W. John-sdn St CLEAR OLD rags free of hooks and buttons, wanted for wipers. Should be yard size.

Eight cents per lb. Bring to Leader office. Real Estate For Sale BBAUTXPUL MODBDM 1 floor plan, 7 rooms, oil heated, 'insulated, large landscaped lot, priced under market. Write for complete description. E.

Hafleigh, Buchanan, Va. 12-15-lt-mp POR SALB Why pay rent? Own your home. A small down payment and $50 or $60 per month all 'needed. Have bought an army camp, need no priority. Houses from $,000 to $5,000.

A. M. Hanger. Phone 1781-W. 12-15-lt-mp POR BALE 8 -room house, with hardwood floors and hot-air furnace.

1228 Jackson St, Phone 1836-W. 12-14-4t-mp PLOBEDA Miniature farms almost an acre or just off Highway 73-between St. Petersburg and Clearwater, close to bathing, boating and fishing. Build a home-have a truck garden. Priced at only $325.

$25 month, $25 down. For further information write G. B. Potter-field, Union Building Charleston, W. Va.

12-12-6t-mp POR SAXB 128 acre farm in two tracts. Will sell whole separately. 7-room dwelling house, running spring water. Good pasture land, lot pulp wood, locust and walnut Near electric and school bus lines. Farm situated I miles from Mill-boro Springs; Bath County, Va.

Apply Mrs. S. A. Rhea, Lynch Station, Va. 12-10-6t-mp H0U8B, 4 rooms, full basem*nt, three lots, city water.

Went End section. Price $4000. Whitesel Realty. Phone 2244. LOWER LIVIWO EXPENSES! Good 8-room house on bath on eaoh floor.

Now used by two families. $8,000. Act now. F. Hamer A 26 N.

Augusta St. Help Wanted Can yo use an extrs $5.00 dally for 4 hours work servinr ro-lar customers? Full time work also available. Write Dept. S-S, The J. R.

Watxfns Co Rlch-mond, SAXB SMART Opportunity to build good paying permanent business. Year-round demand, no off-seasons. National organization. Unlimited earnings on commission and bonus. Write: United Laboratories, Cleveland 12, Ohio for full details.

12-15-lt-mp ORCBCARD PORE MART for 100 acre apple orchard in Northern Virginia; Ileal opportunity for a temperate man with well rounded experience who not only knows apple culture well, but how to or. ganize work and handle men. Must have held similar position previously and must furnish the best of references. Good modern house and furnishings with salary and bonus. Write fully about yourself giving age.

family, mechanical ability and where you have been working. Col. Frank Sleeter, Hill High Orchards, Round Hill, Va, 12-15-lt-mo WARTED -Middle aged woman for light house work and care for two children, lve days a week. Telephone 1082-R. 12-15-lt-mp WAMTED Part tlma cook for two adults.

References required. Call 273. 12-15-3t-mc WARTED Settled woman for general house work. Live in home. Write Box care Leader office.

12-14-2t-ep WAITRESS for Tuesdays only. Ap- ply to J. S. Chambers Jr. Phone 1004 or at Stockyards, and O.

Flats. lM4-2t-ec WARTED Laundress for family washing. Phone 2104-J. 12-14-2t-mp ARTE Manager-editor for week- ly newspaper and printing plant Over 1000 circulation. Modern equipment Housing assured.

Re-: sort community, Mrs. D. E. Hutchinson, Hot Springs, Va. WABTB0 -Waltressea and bus boy a.

Apply Arcadia Hotel. 8-22-tf-ee Plants For Sale OBRT7IWR XOLLAJTD bulb at reduced prices. One domn assorted topais tulip bulb $1,00 postpaid. Idal Chrlstmaa gift. Beaverton Bulb G-ardeea.

Beemrtnn, Ora, H-AAt mm aup wood woRxnro macxxtbrt. One 4 inch Delta jointer. One 10 Inch Delta bandsaw. This machinery -Me practically new. Phone 1074-W.

-12-14-lt-ep POR SAXB Girl's snow suit, size 12; boy's reversible trench coat, size 16, one man's, one boy's suit, sixes 11-14. Phone 1016-J or apply E. Liberty St 12-14-lt-ep POR SAXB Double barrel shotgun end 22 caliber repeating rifle. Both in excellent condition. $07 Churchville Ave.

12-14-lt-ep McOTJPPETS SIX Readers 1879 New, prepaid anywhere, $7.50. Immediate shipment Midwest Book Company, Lowell, Ohio. 12-14-3t-ep TOM SAXB sugar cured hams. Phone 82-F-13. 85 cents per pound.

12-14-lt-ep POR SALB, Man's bicycle, good condition. $25.00. Can be seen any time. Monday, 162 Sherwood Ave. 1 2-14-1 (-eo AUTOMATIC irons $9.95 and travel irons ironing board cover1 and pad Monitor sweepers toasters $3.00.

Dixie Bottle Gas Company, lit 8. Augusta St. 12-14-3t-bp-mc PIG-S POR sale; sixteen Poland China spotted pigs, 8 weeks old. A. 1j.

Gayhart, Waynesboro, Rt. 2. 12-14-2t-mp CXRISTXAS TRBBS for sale; large quantity on the stump 25. and 35 cts. Good chHne-e for GI or high school boy.

Apply large newly painted brick house on State Route 636 oft Waynesboro Road at Brands. 12-14-3t-mo TIRES New for immediate delivery. Siaes 600-16; 650-16; 700.16; 600-15: 650-15; 525-18; 750-20. Ward L. Cohron, phone 80-F-15, Stuarts Draft 12-13-3t-mc i i VACUtTM SWEEPER.

New 1946. Premier floor model. For immediate delivery. Ward L. Cohron, phone 80-F-15, Stuart Draft.

12-lJ-3t-mc SEE WARDS new milker now. 2 single unit, stainless steel pails, milks a new cleaner faster way. $229.00. Wards Farm Store, corner Johnson St. and Central Staunton, Va.

12-13-3t-mc STEEX LO-LOAD farm truck -with new tires. Finest steel farm truck today. Bed only 16" from ground for easy loading. Welded frame telescopes from 7 to 10 ft. auto-steer, Tlmken bearings.

See It at Wards now! With 4 new passenger tires, only $167. Wards Farm Store, corner Johnson St. and Central Staunton. 12-l-t-mc ATTENTIOM Seat covers, tire chains, while they last. Evans Sunoco Service, Churchville' Ave.

Anrl AllffllKtfl. At. 12-13-3t-mc ATTBMTIOM Radiator back flush-cd, lubrication, cars washed, tire and tube repairs. Evans Sunoco Service, Churchville Avenue and Augusta. 12-13-3t-mc APPLES POR Christmas.

The gift for all the family. Yorks, Grimes, Stayrnan and other varieties. Packed for shipping. Cowl's Apple Storage, Parkersburg Pike. Phone 241-W-2.

12-10-6t-ec OAS AUTOMATIC water heater, 25 ganon capacity. 'nane zik-j aner 5 p. m. 12-15-lt-mp POR SALB Large heating used two small heating stove. Both in good condition.

Call 1919-WX or apply 1102 Walnut 12-15-2t-mp DOLL CARRIAGES Junt received a new shipment. Hurry. Finkel Furniture J2 N. Augusta St 12-15-U-mc. ELECTRIC RAVOB with automatic clock times.

Finkel Furniture 32 N. Augusta-St. Phone 2208. 12-15-lt-mc CESAR CRESTS Just a few more in stock, only 39.95. Finkel Furni-tur 32 N.

Augusta St. 12-15-lt-mc DELUXE OIL heated fountains. Supplies water for 100 grown fowl. Holds three weeks kerosene supply. $3.87.

Wards Farm Store, corner Johnson St and Central Staunton. 12-15-3t-mc STOCK UP now on Wards sisal rope its stronger. per nun. ft per hun. ft.

8.50; 68" per hun, ft, $1.00. Wards Farm 13.00; 88" per hun. ft. per haun. ft $1.00.

Wards Farm Store, corner Johnson St and Central Staunton. 12-15-3t-mc POR SAXB Boy's Victory bicycle, priced reasonably, one new tire, l'hone 784-J, 12-15-lt-mp POR SAXB Four post mahogany bed complete; mahogany Duncan Phyfe coffey table. 5-pleoe ivory breakfast set, magaxlns rack, electric Iron, toaster, silver plate or copper cofTee percolator, old- ing ironing board, large gilt framed picture, and small mirror. Mrs. Charles L.

Bowman, College Park, 12-15-lt-mp POR SAXB 1941 Chevrolet dump truck, 2 speed axle, 8.25 tires, booster brake, heater, spot light, 2 yd. St. Paul body. A-l condition, ready for heavy work. C.

C. Watts, Lexington, Va. 12-15-lt-mp POR SAXB Saddle, suitable for small horse or pony. EngllHh type. Kxcellent Chrlstmaa present l'hone 304-J-18.

12-14-lt-mp POR SAXB Yellow gold ring, three small diamonds, wedding- ring- to match. Write "Ring," care Leader. 12-16-lt-mp POR SAXB Two fur coats, excellent condition, brown Lapln, sise 16; red pony, aii 14! Bsrgalne, 104 B. Beverley. Phone 1741, IMS-lt-mp OKBItniil TRRRS and holly are on sale at Whlttng Stattoa corner Central and Frederick, Phone 149S-W.

12-lS-lt-mp POR SAXB Set oU spring for double bed sewing -msohlne, good condition, Taleohone lll-W-ll iM-l-3E-n ATTENTION TOWN OF WAYNESBORO TO ALL REAL ESTATE OWNERS OF THE TOWN OF WAYNESBORO The 1946 general reassessment of real estate, which the undersigned have heen commissioned to make for Augusta County, has been completed in the Town of Waynesboro. Owners of real property in that town are hereby notified that they may appear at the office of the assessors, in the Courthouse from 9 AM to 1 PM and from 2 PJI to 4 P3I Monday through Friday, beginning Monday, Dec. 16, 1946, for the purpose of learning their reassessment under this general equalization. This hearing also is for West Waynesboro. Complaints, if any, will be heard immediately by the assessors at the hours and on the days above stated.

ilfjf WXITB XOVBM paint, top quality, Signed: PETER PAN Phone 900 Specializing in luality Dry Cleaning Johnson Et. 10-22-tf-eo VOX SALE 500 barrels of yellow ''Corn $2.60 per barrel delivered; 30 tons wheat, and oats, and straw. We are sawing again. Can furnish lumber. Framing, boards, and poplar weatherboarding.

Prices reasonable. E. M. Shultas, Greenville, Va. Phone 92-F-6.

12.10-6t-mc COAL XBATBRS, lmlited supply Come early for quick delivery. Cllne's, 126 W. BeverlejSt. Staunton, Va. 12-10-6t-mc BEDROOM SUITE, 4-pIece modern walnut bedroom suite.

Cline's, 126 W. Beverley. Staunton, Va. 12-10-6t-mc TOR SAXB Lime spreader; 1939 Mercury motor; also timothy and Clover hay. Phone 563-w-l, O.

W. Hamilton, Middlebrook. OR SALB Large used Estate heatrola, used gas range, us-d electric range. Apply Modern Kitchen, 274 N. CenUal Ave.

12-13-2t-mo BLBCTRIO RABORS, Hemington and Schick. For immediate delivery. Ward L. Cohron, phone 80-F-15, Stuarts Draft. 12-13-3t-mc SAW FRAME with 30-inch saw.

tilt-table type-Strong welded angle Iron frame, i Sturdy 36-inch mandrel, s'lf-align-4ng bearings. Has big saw blade guard. Complete with 30-inch saw. See it at Wards now! Only $49. Wards Farm Store, corner Johnson St.

and Central Staunton, 12-ia-3t-mo VBRSIAW LAMB cape. silver fox starves, silver fox Jacket like new. Phone 738-J. 12-lS-2t-mc 150 BARRBLS of corn at $2.75 per barrel, 600 bundles of fodder. C.

H. Driver, miles north of Churchville. 12-13-2t-mp TOR SAXB TJflffd table top kerosene range. Used HeatrMa, Cllne's, W. Beverley St, Staunton, Va, It-10-6t-mo JuPrLBS TOR trucks.

Bulk and basket. Torks, Btayman, Delicious, Lowry, and other varieties. Cowl's Apple Storage. 1-arKersourg i-me, phone 2ti-W-J. jrtrPnBS Toy rat terriers, fox terriers, two Boato old, Wrlirt 44 Vwyton m.

GENERAL AUTO REPAIRING Trained Mechanics Modem Equipment LET FARLEY'S KEEP YOUR CAR IN GOOD REPAIR FARLEY; MOTORS ihower VA. DEALER 13 Sowth New St Llctasa bs Every Smvdny at "Repeal .7 ALL KINDS OF GARMENT REPAIR WORK Our enlarged plant with additional new and modern equipment assure you of excellent results. JUST PHONE 900 CALL and DELIVERY SERVICE PETER PAN CLEANERS 1503 W. Beverley St. CHRISTMAS TREES TRAILING CEDAR HOLLY Hemlock Limbs, White Pine and all kind of Evergreen DECEMBER 18th 24th BILL LAMBERT Oa lot serosa from Karioofe's FUllna; Station rump Central 1 1 1 nice Shoats for Rale '4, I 4 LA.

The Daily News Leader from Staunton, Virginia (2024)


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Name: Kimberely Baumbach CPA

Birthday: 1996-01-14

Address: 8381 Boyce Course, Imeldachester, ND 74681

Phone: +3571286597580

Job: Product Banking Analyst

Hobby: Cosplaying, Inline skating, Amateur radio, Baton twirling, Mountaineering, Flying, Archery

Introduction: My name is Kimberely Baumbach CPA, I am a gorgeous, bright, charming, encouraging, zealous, lively, good person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.