Champion of the Wild - Chapter 15 - ChrisPowN10do (2024)

Chapter Text

[Link reappeared on Revali’s Landing, looking up at the Divine Beast perched above Rito Village before taking out his adventure log.]

Divine Beast Vah Medoh - Update

I have defeated Windblight Ganon and freed Vah Medoh and Revali. The Rito Champion blessed me with his power, Revali’s Gale, which can help me ascend to higher places. However, Teba got badly injured during the fight. I hope he’s okay…

Free the Divine Beasts - Update

I have freed Divine Beast Vah Medoh. I have two Divine Beasts left to free from Ganon’s control.

Revali, Rito Champion

Revali was a proud hotshot Rito warrior chosen to be the pilot of Divine Beast Vah Medoh. He saw me as a rival and wanted nothing more than to prove himself as the superior Champion worthy of taking on Ganon. I like to think his defeat to Windblight Ganon during the Great Calamity taught his spirit some humility… After being freed, he gave me his power, Revali’s Gale.

Race: Rito

Bedoli: ♪ The pride of the Rito… ♪ Oh! Where did you come from, Hylian?

[Link looked up and saw a purple feathered Rito woman.]

Link: Were you singing?

Bedoli: Yeah. I’m embarrassed that you overheard me… I was just so happy that the Divine Beast is no longer looming over the village that I started singing this ancient Rito song without realizing it…

Link: Ancient Rito song?

Bedoli: It goes like this…

♪ The pride of the Rito, pillar in the sky,

Its heart lights up, when the sun is high. ♪

Bedoli: There’s more to the song, but I forgot the rest of the lyrics… I’m sure my sister Laissa knows the rest of the song.

[Link nodded, then went to check on Teba. He saw the Rito warrior with his family.]

Saki: You sure you’re okay, honey?

Teba: Relax, dear. I’ll live. Hey, Link!

Link: Teba! How’s the leg?

Teba: Feeling better. I’m still a little sore, but I should be well enough soon to take Tulin to the Flight Range for his training.

Tulin: Awesome! I’m going to be a great warrior just like you, Dad! And Master Revali too!

Saki: Teba…

Teba: Saki, this is what Tulin wants. If he didn’t want to become an archer, I wouldn’t force him to be one.

Saki: I understand. Tulin, please be careful.

Tulin: I will, Mom! I’ll make you proud!

Teba: By the way, Link, I owe you for defeating that monster and bringing Vah Medoh back to our side. And I spoke with the elder about you, and he says you’re the descendant of the Hylian Champion. After seeing you in action, I believe it. Speaking of Kaneli, I think he wants to offer his gratitude for saving Rito Village.

[Link nodded and went to speak with Kaneli.]

Kaneli: Hoo hoo! Link, Champion descendant, you have done well! Divine Beast Vah Medoh is once again the protector of Rito Village! As thanks, I want you to have the Great Eagle Bow! No living Rito can currently wield the legendary bow like Revali, but I’m sure Teba will one day be strong enough to do so! If it breaks, Harth can craft another for you.

Link: Thank you.

Kaneli: You know, you match the description of the Hylian Champion from a hundred years ago… Long blonde hair and bright blue eyes… All that you’re missing is the sword that seals the darkness…

Link: I found it. But I’m not strong enough yet to wield it.

Kaneli: Hm… I remember Kass the bard singing a song about a knight who survived the Calamity, sleeping in a place called the Shrine of Resurrection… The Hylian Champion and the slumbering knight… Could they be one and the same? If so, are you actually…? Never mind. I was just talking to myself…

Divine Beast Vah Medoh - Complete

As thanks for taming Divine Beast Vah Medoh, Kaneli gifted me with the Great Eagle Bow once wielded by Revali. It seems he is starting to realize I am truly the Hylian Champion from a century ago… Also, Teba has made a quick recovery from his injury.

[After Link acquired the Great Eagle Bow, he returned to speak with Teba.]

Teba: I see you’ve been entrusted with the Great Eagle Bow. That bow is too heavy for most Rito to use in flight—only Master Revali could wield it in aerial combat. But I hope to one day become strong enough to wield it.

Tulin: Me too!

Teba: Well, Tulin, I think it’s time we left for the Flight Range. Link, if you ever have time, come visit us and show your skills.

Link: Will do.

[Teba carried Tulin on his back, and they took off towards the Flight Range from Revali’s Landing. Link then heard Amali calling out for her daughter.]

Amali: Kheel! KHEEL! Where are you?!

Link: Can I help?

Amali: Link! I’m glad you’re here! My daughter Kheel is missing! Did she go to Warbler’s Nest on her own?! Oh, I’m so worried!

Link: I’ll find her!

Amali: Thank you so much, Link! You really are the hero Kass said you were! Warbler’s Nest is on the west side of Lake Totori. You should be able to glide there from here. Please, make sure Kheel is safe!

[Link nodded and leaped from the platform, taking out his paraglider and gliding over the lake towards Warbler’s Nest. Upon arriving, he saw Kheel throwing a fit.]

Kheel: My sisters are a buncha dumb dummies! No one showed up for singing practice! Huh? Who’s there?! Oh, it’s you, Link! Thank you for teaching that mean Divine Beast a lesson! Can you help me? I told my sisters we were going to practice our singing here, but no one showed up! It must be Genli… She hates singing. She’s probably standing next to the cooking pot saying, “I want salmon meunière!” or something like that. I think she’ll listen to a scary looking Hylian like you!

Link: Hey…

Kheel: Like I said! You look really scary with that mean stare! …What’s your problem, Link?

Link: Your mom’s upset that you flew off on your own.

Kheel: I’ll be fine! No monsters wander around here! I’m not leaving until me and my sisters practice our singing for the elder!

[Link merely nodded and returned to Rito Village. As he followed the road, he found a shrine pedestal south of Lake Totori. Standing on it, he saw a heart shaped hole in the pillar of Rito Village, just like the ancient song Bedoli taught him. After entering the village, Fyson called to him.]

Fyson: Hey, you! You’re the Hylian that saved Rito Village, aren’t you? Sorry for being so rude. I was just blowing off some steam. My mom wants me to take over the Slippery Falcon, but that’s not what I want to do! I want to open my own store and sell whatever I want! But I can’t compete with Mom… If you find a place where I can set up shop, will you let me know?

Link: Sure thing.

Fyson: Thanks! *sigh* I wish my dad hadn’t gone to Gerudo Desert… Mom misses him too much…

[Link headed back to the platform near the shrine and told Amali of Kheel’s whereabouts.]

Amali: Link! Did you find her?!

Link: She’s safe at Warbler’s Nest.

Amali: *whew* What a relief! Here, take this for your help.

[Amali gave Link a purple rupee.]

Amali: Now can you help Kheel and tell her sisters about singing practice? They should all be somewhere in the village…

[Link nodded and first headed to the kitchen, where he found a green feathered Rito girl.]

Genli: I want salmon meunière! Huh? You’re a Hylian. Wait, are you the Hylian who stopped the Divine Beast?

Link: That’s me!

Genli: Thanks a lot, mister! Now my sisters are trying to get me to go to singing practice! I mean, I do feel bad that Molli’s dad got hurt, but I HATE singing! So I said I won’t go singing unless I eat some salmon meunière! What’s taking my sisters so long, anyway? I thought they were just going to the Slippery Falcon…

[Link nodded and headed to the Slippery Falcon, where he found a light-blue feathered Rito girl.]

Cree: Alright! I got the butter! Hm? Can I help you, mister?

Link: Kheel sent me.

Cree: Kheel? …Oh! I forgot about our rehearsal at Warbler’s Nest! Here, take this butter and use it to make salmon meunière for Genli! Notts already bought some wheat and went to practice her singing somewhere high up, and I think Kotts is catching salmon at the pond near the village entrance.

[Cree then left for Warbler’s Nest and Link went to find the rest of Kheel’s sisters, finding a red feathered Rito girl singing high above the village.]

Notts: …And the bird-wrangling hero returns! Thanks for saving Rito Village, Link! And no, I didn’t forget about Kheel’s rehearsal. I do feel bad for making her wait, though… Here, take this wheat and use it to make salmon meunière for Genli. I’m pretty sure she’s just making an excuse to avoid singing…

[Link then found a yellow feathered Rito girl trying to catch a hearty salmon in a small pond just outside the village.]

Kotts: And… Gotcha! I finally caught one! Hm? Oh, it’s you! The guy who tamed the Divine Beast!

Link: Did you forget about the rehearsal?

Kotts: Ah! Kheel’s gonna kill me for being late! Here, take this salmon and hurry! Genli’s not gonna sing until she eats salmon meunière!

[With all the ingredients acquired, Link headed back to the kitchen and cooked up the salmon meunière.]

Genli: Oh! That smells delicious! Give it to me!

Link: You’re going to sing, right?

Genli: …I guess I shouldn’t break my promise… I actually do like singing, but when I do it in front of others, I freeze up… I guess practicing with my sisters will help. Please, mister! I’m really hungry!

[Link gave her the salmon meunière, and Genli ate ravenously.]

Genli: Yummy! I’m stuffed! Okay, I’ll see you at Warbler’s Nest!

[As Genli left, Link sought out Bedoli’s sister, Laissa, finding her at her house.]

Laissa: Who are you? Wait, aren’t you the Hylian that saved our village?

Link: That’s me.

Laissa: Well then, how can I help you?

Link: An ancient Rito song.

Laissa: Let me guess, my sister, Bedoli, told you that I know the entire song. Her memory is the worst… I’ll teach you the rest, but you first must recite the first half from memory.

[Link nodded then recited the song.]

Link: ♪ The pride of the Rito, pillar in the sky, its heart lights up, when the sun is high. ♪

Laissa: Perfect! Okay, here’s the rest…

♪ The heart shines upon a path not whole,

but a warming flame can stir its soul. ♪

Laissa: The whole song is a mystery to us Rito. I’m not sure what it means.

[Link then met Harth’s daughter, Molli, who was gazing at the Hebra Mountains.]

Molli: Hey, mister! Wanna hear a story?

Link: Sure.

Molli: Okay! Long ago, my grandpa climbed a big tree atop a mountain, and then looked to the northwest. He saw a giant, snow-white bird! He flew towards it, and saw something inside its belly!

Link: What was it?

Molli: I always fall asleep at that part, so I don’t remember… My grandpa is no longer here, so I can’t hear the story from him anymore… But I do know where the tree is! Look there! That lone cedar tree atop that mountain peak!

[Link used the Sheikah Slate scope to mark the cedar tree with a pin.]

Molli: When I grow up, I’m going to find that giant snow-white bird and discover what it swallowed!

[Link then left Rito Village, first heading to the shrine pedestal south of the village. At noon, the pedestal glowed orange as the sun shone through the heart shaped hole in the pillar of Rito Village. Link then lit a campfire, causing the shrine pedestal to turn blue and summon a shrine. After clearing the shrine, Link returned to Warbler’s Nest, finding Kass’s daughters practicing their singing.]

Kheel: Hey, Link! Thank you for reminding my sisters about our rehearsal! Here! I found this big leaf! Try using it to blow a gust of wind through those strange stones. They make a sound when you do. Here’s the song we’ve been practicing!

[The sisters began singing in a certain order: Cree, Kheel, Genli, Notts, and Kotts.]

Kheel: This is an ancient song that was sung here at Warbler’s Nest for generations. And there’s this strange lyric that catches my ear, “When wind convinces the stones to sing, open the monk’s door will swing.” Does that make sense to you?

[Link pondered for a moment, then he figured out the riddle. Standing atop the shrine pedestal in the center, he swung the Korok Leaf Kheel gave him, blowing wind gusts through the stones. After figuring out the correct order, a shrine rose nearby, catching Kheel’s attention.]

Kheel: Wow! Look guys!

Cree: Huh? Was that weird looking house always there?

Kotts: No, it’s one of those shrines the elder was talking about!

Genli: Cool! Who would have thought Warbler’s Nest was hiding such a secret?

Notts: We gotta tell mom!

Kheel: Last one home is a late hatcher! See ya, Link!

[The Rito sisters flew back home, but Cree tripped before she could take off.]

Cree: Ouch!

Link: Are you okay?!

Cree: Yeah, I just lost my balance. Looks like I’m gonna lose the race…

[Cree flew back home as Link entered the shrine. After completing the monk’s challenge, Link returned to Rito Village to meet with Amali.]

Amali: Link! My girls told me about the shrine at Warbler’s Nest. Kass had a feeling one was hidden there. I hope he returns soon…

Link: Leave it to me.

Amali: Thank you, Link. Are you hungry? Feel free to use the cooking pot here.

[Link nodded and cooked some simmered fruit.]

Amali: Whenever I cook for my daughters and Kass, I wonder about the future of my family and home… Say Link, I hope this isn’t too personal a question, but is there someone you cook for?

Link: Well, I mainly cook for myself. I don’t have any family left that I know of.

Amali: I’m sorry… I forgot that you descended from a line of knights in service to the royal family, and even if they survived the Calamity, well…Hylians don’t live as long as Zora…

Link: There is someone very important to me, though.

Amali: Someone important? As in, a woman you love?

[Link nodded.]

Amali: (If what Kass told me is true… He must be referring to Princess Zelda…) I hope you do see your special someone soon, Link. I’m sure she’ll love anything you cook for her.

Link: Thanks. I’m going to rest at the inn.

Amali: You should try the Rito-down bed the Swallow’s Roost offers! Best bed ever made!

[Link nodded and paid four red rupees for the Rito-down bed. It was so soft and comfy that Link almost slept in. In the morning, Link explored the Hebra Mountains, finding several shrines…]

Champion of the Wild - Chapter 15 - ChrisPowN10do (2024)


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Author: Reed Wilderman

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Name: Reed Wilderman

Birthday: 1992-06-14

Address: 998 Estell Village, Lake Oscarberg, SD 48713-6877

Phone: +21813267449721

Job: Technology Engineer

Hobby: Swimming, Do it yourself, Beekeeping, Lapidary, Cosplaying, Hiking, Graffiti

Introduction: My name is Reed Wilderman, I am a faithful, bright, lucky, adventurous, lively, rich, vast person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.