Betrothal of Lords - sync433 - Harry Potter (2024)

Chapter 1: A Restless Night


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

Harry turned over in his bed at Grimmauld place. The sound of Ron snoring in the bed next to him, wasn't helping Harry find sleep. The date of the hearing was tomorrow and Harry's fear of not being able to return to Hogwarts ever again. Was making it hard to find peace.

Harry's mind kept plaguing him with thoughts of his wand being snapped. Of having to stay behind while Hermione and all of the Weasley's boarded the train at King's Cross. Just standing there waving as they left him behind. Tears slowly making their way down his cheeks.

Rolling back on to his back, Harry huffed out a breath. Ron gave out a loud snoring scoff, just as he jerked in his sleep. A mumbled “take that you bloody spiders” soon fallowed after. Harry turned his head over to look the shadowed lump that was Ron's sleeping form. A fond little smile gracing Harry's face. Harry had been there for many of Ron's nightmares. Most of which spawning from their trip in to the Forbidden Forest during second year.

The giant spider nest they had gone to to learn the truth about the Chamber of Secrets. Had even made a few nightmares of their own inside Harry's head. The one that had nearly dragged Ron out of the car had been really terrifying. And played more in to his fear of loosing his friends and found family.

Not really wanting to dwell on thing that had happened already, and pile more things to keep his mind awake. Harry moved the covers and got up out of bed. Maybe some warm milk will help Harry go to sleep. Harry was really starting to wish he didn't turn it down when Mrs. Weasley offered to make some for him earlier.

Quietly stepping towards the door. Harry crept out on to the landing. The dark halls of Grimmauld place was even creepier at night. Then it was during the day. The sounds of snoring portraits behind black curtains filled the air. If Harry wasn't already used to similar thing happening at Hogwarts. As well as the fact that he knows that ghosts truly couldn't hurt him. Harry would of felt like the house was haunted in the muggle sense of the word. And not the wizarding sense.

Slowly winding his way down the stairs. Harry kept his hand firmly on the railing. Harry heaved a sigh of relief once his bare foot touch down on the ground floor. The thoughts of having an accident on the stairs leaving Harry feeling a little drained.

But not just wanting to turn back, and not feeling as tired as he should. Harry wandered his way down over to the kitchen steps. Only to stop at the sound of people talking and light coming through the crack between door and frame.

“He has to start learning about this sooner rather then later Remus. The more we can add to his defense the better the outcome could be. There are old laws that permit the use of magic in front of muggles. And even older ones still that let a lord to be able to use magic around his muggle relatives.”

“Yes Sirius I know there is. But we both know that the Ministry hasn't been following the old laws very much nowadays. Hell look what your lordship got you. Thrown straight into Azkaban without even a trial. Even though by your birthright as Lord Black, should have been made sure to have had a trial. But they didn't care. Hell my own lordship had gotten me very little. The Ministry has made it very hard for me to even access my own vaults. Just because I am a Werewolf.” The sound of a chair being pulled out and a body setting down in it. “I just don't want to give Harry false hopes. Bagnold wasn't one to follow or like that there was laws that the Lords and Ladies ware exempt from. And we both now that Fudge is not much better.”

“No Fudge just likes to pretend he is one. He could never get over the fact that the Fudges weren't part of the Counsel of Wizarding Lords loyal to the crown. But if we can get Harry the information that he needs. Then he can prove then under those laws that are some of the core laws put down by the Ministry. Then we can prove that there was no laws broken and that this is nothing but what it is. A ploy to further discredit Harry. And can keep his power.”

Harry let out a quick gasp and brought up his hand to cover his mouth. Eye's going wide at everything that he was hearing. Only for his shifted weight to make the step his was one creek.

“Who's there?”

Before Harry had a chance to reply or even run. The door was magically opened up. The shocked faces of Sirius and Remus both sat there staring back at him.

“Harry, my boy what are you doing up this late?” Sirius said, his shocked expression swiftly turning to one of concern. His body automatically moving to comfort his distressed son. Pulling Harry in to a hug once he was in arms reach of the boy.

Harry excepted the hug from his Godfather. The feeling of safety and warmth flowing from the man. Made it feel like this is what a father's love would feel like. A place of protection where then outside world couldn't hurt him.

“I was having a hard time going to sleep. So I thought I would come down for a bit of warm milk. Try to see if that would help.” Harry said in to Sirius' shoulder.

“Regretting not taking Molly up on her offer earlier are we?”

“Maybe a little.” Harry pulled back to look up at his Godfather's smiling face. Harry couldn't help but smile back. Sirius' joy of having Harry in his home and so close. Lifting Harry's spirit better then any cheering charm.

Sirius patted Harry on both of his shoulders. “Well let me put the kettle on for yea and then we can get you off to bed.”

“Already ahead of you Pads.” Remus said. His wand out and putting a kettle of milk on the stove in the corner of the kitchen. The sounds of a magical flame coming to life under it.

“Thanks Remus.” Sirius said as he lead Harry over to one of the chairs at the table. “Now tell me what's got you so worried that you can't go to sleep. I do hope that it's something other then your hearing tomorrow.”

“No you two were talking about what I'm so worried about. Before I interrupted you.” Harry said and he sat down. His face a showing a bit of curiosity at the subject the two older wizards were talking about.

“I was hoping that wasn't it. But I can't say that I'm surprised.” Sirius said. Taking the seat next to Harry. A hand coming to wipe at his face. The last couple of years on the run hadn't been kind to Sirius. But the fact that he has been able to hide in his old home had been better for him. Sirius' face wasn't so sunken in a sallow anymore.

Harry look back and forth between the two older wizards. Waiting for Remus to finish over at the stove and join them. The apprehension of the hearing tomorrow, and curiosity of what Harry had over heard. Were warring inside of Harry's head. Not sure if he would like to bring up that he had been eavesdropping. Even if it was only by accident.

“I can tell that you have something you want to ask Harry. There's no need to hide anything from us Harry.” Remus said. Pulling up the chair he had been sitting in earlier. His calm reassuring voice snapping Harry out of his mental carousel of ask or don't ask.

“What was it you were talking about earlier? Before I interrupted you. What old laws were you talking about?” Harry asked. His expression scrunched up in confusion.

Both wizards gave a deep sigh. As they looked back to each other. “I told you he would have to learn about it sooner or later.”

“This isn't what you meant and you know it Siri.”

The glare Remus shot Sirius smug face. Could of spoiled milk. If he wasn't careful with it. Sirius look only got smugger the longer Remus glared at him.

“What it's well past time that Harry starts to learn about his lordship. As well as everything that went along with it. He is Heir to not only the house of Potter, but of Black as well. Hell even you have seen for yourself that Hogwarts isn't even doing the etiquette classes anymore. Dumbledore would have had quite a bit less complaints from the house of lords to worry about if he kept the class going. To many young Witches and Wizards are going out in to the world without any formal training on how the old traditions work.” Sirius huffed.

“Sirius. Now is not the time. Our priority right now is Harry. Not which classes are or aren't being taught at Hogwarts.” Remus said sternly to his oldest friend. “Anyways you used to complain about having to go to those vary classes back in school.”

“That's because they are held on a Saturday. Who in their bloody right mind would want to got to class on a Saturday.”

“They were only held twice a month Sirius. They weren't that bad to go too.”

“It was still a Saturday.”

Harry watched on in awe and a little bit of shock. As the two friends bickered back and forth with each other. This whole talk about etiquette classes, heirs, and house of lords. Was getting Harry's mind all twisted up. Harry couldn't understand why Sirius had said he was the heir of the house of Potter. But being called the heir to the house of black kinda made since. Sirius' family did have a crest and all. Does that mean that with Sirius having no children of his own. That Harry would take what ever lordship Sirius had inherited from some long forgotten relative after he dies.

“Woe, woe wait. Time out.” Harry said holding his hands up in a T shape. Like he would of done during a Quidditch match. “What's all of this about lords and heirs? I'm not a lord. Unless you count the fact that I'm your godson. And I somehow inherit what ever titles your family has after your death Sirius.”

The two older wizards looked on at Harry with astonishment at the younger's outburst. Complete bewilder meant had washed over the two wizards faces.

“Harry. Son. That not quite true. While yes you would inherit my titles as Lord Black, and everything in my families vaults would become yours. Upon my death. But the fact that you are Lord Harry James Potter has nothing to do with that.” Sirius said. Leaning over to cup a hand around the side of Harry's face.

Harry looked back at Sirius. Eyes about the size of saucers. “Lord Harry James Potter?”

“Yes son. Lord Harry James Potter. Heir to the house of Black. Which would make your full name be Lord Harry James Potter-Black.” Sirius said calmly. His fingers sliding into Harry's hair. The feeling of blunt nails scratching along Harry's scalp. Calming the rising panic that was starting to bubble to the surface.

“Here is your warm milk young master.”

A low creaky voice said next to Harry's elbow. Everyone jumped a bit as Kreacher place a mug of warmed milk on the table.

“Kreacher! What are you still doing up?” Sirius demanded. His face morphing a bit in to anger as the house-elf looked back up at him.

“Master and Lord Lupin both forgot that they had put of a kettle of milk on for the young master. So Kreacher took care of it before it could burn. It's supposed to be warm milk; not boiling milk.” Kreacher huffed. Turning his back on them and going back to a cupboard at the side of the stove. Muttering under his breath about how much of a shame it was. That the young master was only learning about his titles now. Instead of when he was eleven in his first year at school.

The three watched the elf close the door behind him. And the muttering speech the elf was giving stopped.

“I will honestly never understand that elf.” Sirius said. A blatantly confused expression washing over his face. As he turned to look over at his friend and godson once more.

“Sirius you know that Kreacher is a being of the old ways. He will always act nicer to you if you act more like the lord your suppose to be. Instead of the fugitive they think you are.” Remus said. Coming up to clap a hand around the back of Sirius' neck.

“Yes I know Remus. But it's really hard; when I can't even play my proper roll. I still have to have my cousin Andromeda fill in for me at the house of lords meetings.” Sirius sighed. A hand coming up to wipe down his face. “Well we can put my troubles down to the side for now. What we really need to worry about right now is Harry.”

“Of course my friend.”

Both wizards turned back to look at the teen sitting before them. His face still set in a look of confusion and shock. The once rising panic they could see in the boy's eyes. Was now brought back down to a normal level.

“Why didn't anyone ever tell me?” Harry asked. Looking between his godfather and Remus. “I mean someone would of told me. Wouldn't they?”

“I doubt that any of the teachers would of said anything. While at school, students aren't allowed to flaunt their titles around. And the teachers won't suppose to give special treatment because of it.” Remus said. A hand coming up to scratch at the back of his head.

“But wouldn't I have gotten a letter with my tittle on it at some point?”

Sirius and Remus both gave each other a confused glace at each other. “Harry have you never gotten a letter from Gringotts before?” Sirius asked as he looked back down at Harry.

Harry shook his head. “No. I'm never gotten a letter from Gringotts before. I didn't even know that Gringotts sent out any letter. What would they send? My vault balance?”

Sirius nodded a bit at Harry. “While that is the main purpose of them sending you letters. They also send you reports on share holdings you have connected to you're vaults.”

Harry arched a brow at Sirius. “Vaults? I only have the one. Vault six hundred and eighty seven. That's the only vault that I've ever been too.” Harry said. Getting up from his chair and starting to pace the small kitchen.

Sirius got up to and on Harry's next pass. Brought the distressed boy in to his arms. “Harry yes vault six hundred and eighty seven is your main vault. Your family has couple more vaults to their name. If I remember correctly. You have at least two investment vaults that is constantly growing. It's one of the reasons why you're able to pull out as much gold as you need, and it not look like you pulled out any at all. The extra gold is deposited into your main vault about once every three months.”

Harry pulled back to look up at Sirius wide eyed. “Extra gold? So I'm a lot richer then I think I am, aren't I?”

“Yes Harry. Very much so.” Remus said. Coming over to join the pair in the hug. “Your great-grandparents, grandparents, and parents where very good at picking investments that would work well in the long run. And once you leave Hogwarts you would never have to work if you didn't want to.”

Harry turned a bit to look at Remus as best he could. While still being enclosed by his family. Or as close to has family as Harry was going to get. “But what about your Remus? Kreacher called you lord Lupin. Doesn't that mean you have investment vaults yourself?”

Remus looked down at Harry with a sad smile. “While yes I may be a lord myself. My vaults are all but sealed be the Ministry. The fact that I am a werewolf and the Ministry's stance on us. Made it pretty easy for them to pretty much lock me out of my own vaults. I am only able to get out the bare minimum of gold that I need to survive. And I have to do it while under Ministry guard to make sure I don't take out any more then that.”

Harry looked back at Remus with horror. “That's horrible Remus. That vault and gold is yours. They shouldn't be able to limit the amount that you are able to get out of your own vault.”

“Yes you would be right about that Harry. But the Ministry doesn't see it like that.” Remus said, pulling away from the boy he thought of as a son. Plopping down to sit in Harry's vacated seat. “With me being a lord. And having access to all that gold. The Ministry thinks that I would somehow fund a werewolf revolt. And take over the Ministry.”

“But you would never do that.”

“No I wouldn't. But the Ministry doesn't want to take the chance. The Ministry has completely ignored any official document and summons the House of Lords has made on the subject.” Remus said as he brought his hands up to wipe at his face.

“That's not fare.”

“Life is often not fare Harry.” Sirius said. Holding the boy tighter in his arms. A light kiss being place into his hair.

Remus took in a deep breath. “But we can worry about that later Harry. What we need to do now is get you off to bed. So you can be well rested for tomorrow. And us telling you our problems isn't helping matters.”

“Remus is right Harry.” Sirius said. Pulling the boy down into a chair with him. Sitting Harry on his lap and rocking them back and forth. “You really need to get some rest. Or you won't be able to sit through your hearing tomorrow.”

“But didn't you say that there was some old laws that could get me exonerated?” Harry said. A hand coming up to clutch at Sirius' shirt. The feeling of being rocked by Sirius. Was giving Harry the feeling of comfort that he has been missing all of his life. The feeling of a father that would chase all of the bad things away and keep Harry safe.

“Yes I did son. And I've already sent out a letter to someone that could help before you arrived today. We'll know by morning if things will be able to go in our favor.” Sirius said. His hands now petting Harry's hair as they rocked. The slow soft motion of the rocking and petting was slowly making Harry sleepy. And soon enough Harry was slightly snoring on Sirius's chest. A small tear siding down Harry's face.


Hey everyone. So this is the beginning of Betrothal of Lords. Tell me what you think of it so far. As well as comments give fuel to the update engine. so leave me your best ones.

Chapter 2: A Royal Summons


Okay everyone I don't normally write this fast. But I got one comment. And I was still in the mood for Harry Potter. So here is the fastest update I've ever done. Enjoy.

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

Harry woke up with a start. As he sat up in a bed that wasn't his own. The large king size four poster bed he was in sat in an equally large room. The dark curtains that normally be wrapped around the bed were pulled back and tied at each corner. The smooth silky sheets under Harry's palms and feet good on Harry's skin.

But Harry's revelry in the silk was soon interrupted by the sound of rustling feathers and a sharp caw. As the sounds of Buckbeak waking in his nest alerted Harry of his presence.

“Buckbeak!” Harry cried as the boy got out of bed to great the stunning Hippogriff. Harry didn't even have time to bow to the creature. Before Buckbeak got up to lay it's head on Harry's shoulder. His own joy of seeing the human that had saved him making Buckbeak break it's normal needs for politeness.

Harry brought an arm up to gently pat at Buckbeak's neck. The happy chirps Buckbeak was making made Harry smile. The fact that Harry had some how won over the Hippogriff's trust so much that it would great him like this.

“Has Sirius been treating you good boy?” Harry asked. As he lent his head against the side of Buckbeak's head. His fingers digging in a little bit to scratch under Buckbeak's neck feathers.

“I bloody well hope I have. That bird there has been the only company that I've had over the last year. I would sure hate for him to think I treat him badly.” The joyful voice of Sirius broke through the little bubble Harry of at seeing Buckbeak again.

“Good morning Sirius.” Harry said with a smile. His hand never stopping its scratching along Buckbeak's neck.

“Morning Harry. How are you feeling?” Sirius said. Coming over to also pet along Buckbeak's neck and withers.

“I'm feeling a lot better then I was last night. But I'm a little surprised to have woken up here with Buckbeak.” Harry said. Taking a look around the room again. There were a large dresser sitting at the far in of the room. Away from the bed. Sat between to black ornate doors. With a large dressing mirror as to just beside the door on the right.

“Yes sorry about that son. I had hoped that I could get back up here before you awoke. But Molly was to go into one of her frets. When Ron came down and said you weren't up in your bed. She was starting to think that you snuck out during the night.” Sirius said with a deep sigh. “It took a little longer then I would of liked to calm her down enough to tell her you were up here in my room. Be prepared to have a mother hen poking at you when we get down there for breakfast. She wasn't to pleased that you were up so late last night.”

Harry let out a slight groan into Buckbeak's neck at the coming mothering he was about to be getting. Mrs. Weasley was always a caring and loving person. But sometimes she could be a little over baring at time. Harry wondered if his mother would of acted any different then Mrs. Weasley.

Sirius nudged Harry in the arm. “Hey just be happy your not the next one in line for the Weasley and Prewett lord ships. Or she would give you a real talking to about being were you're supposed to be.”

Harry nuzzled in to Buckbeak a little more. Before Sirius' words sunk in. “Wait? Did you say that the Weasley's have a lordship?”

“That I did. Arthur has been helping me keep up on what's been going on in the house of lords. He and Muriel are both the standing head of the Weasley and Prewett lordships. But I'm pretty sure that Muriel is ready to pass it down to Charlie or Percy at this point. Which ever one shows the most promise at holding the title of lord. My vote is on Charlie. He has already got the training that he needs to take over the lordship. But he wants to play with dragons for as long as he can before taking the mantel. I honestly can't blame him. Being a lord can be tiring work. And it can leave time for you passions to be very small.” Sirius said. Pulling back from Buckbeak and heading over to a large box sitting in the corner.

Kicking the box open. Sirius reached inside to pull out an old burlap bag. The top of it being tied closed by a rope. “Now let's get this big boy feed before going down for breakfast. Shall we.”

Harry nodded as he backed away from Buckbeak and joined Sirius with the now open bag. “Oh god it reeks.” Harry said. Covering his nose as he drew closer to the bag.

Sirius only chuckled. “Well what did you expect. It's full of nothing but dead rats and ferrets. The bag is charmed to not let them rot. But it doesn't stop them from giving off them smell they had upon death.”

Harry covered his nose with his hand. Before reaching down in to the bag. Only to wince when he grabbed hold of the body of one of the dead ferrets. Pulling it out by it's feet. Harry turned and tossed the thing at the waiting Hippogriff.

The two of them stood there for a little while longer just feeding Buckbeak dead rats and ferrets. Before Sirius closed up the sack and returned it to the box he had gotten it out of before.

“Come on Harry. Lets wash our hands and get down to breakfast.” Sirius said as he lead Harry to the door on the left of the dresser. Opening it up to revel a grand master bathroom. “I can already feel Molly wanting to charge up her and collect you. So she could stuff you full of everything that you can eat. She still thinks that you are to thin for your age.”

Harry looked down at himself. Yeah his time at the Dursley's hasn't been the best for a growing boy like himself. But It wasn't like Harry was only skin and bones anymore. He had be able to put on a bit of muscle over the years due to Quidditch and meals in the great hall. As well as the yearly fight with one life threatening thing or the other.

“Don't think to hard about it Harry. Molly says the same thing about Remus and myself.” Sirius winked at him as the two washed there hands.


Harry was hardly able to take a single step in to the kitchen. Before he was set upon by a fussing Mrs. Weasley. The woman's hand were fluttering around Harry's face. Checking his forehead for a temperature.

“Oh Harry dear. You gave us all such a fright when Ron came down and said you weren't in your bed.” Molly said as she lead Harry over to sit down in one of the chairs around the table. Grabbing him a plate and piling it high with pancakes and bacon.

“Sorry about that Mrs. Weasley. I came down here to grab something to drink. And must of fallen to sleep talking to Sirius and Remus.” Harry said. Grabbing a fork and digging into his plate of food.

“Yes Sirius told us dear. I'm just glad that you're still in the house. And not walking around out there in the middle of the night.” Molly said. Piling a few more pancakes on to Harry's plate.

Sirius gave Harry a sympathetic look. As he too was given a plate piled high with pancakes and bacon. Taking a fork of his own and start eating. Molly's need to mother everyone in her care. Winning out on her common sense of when she does it to other adults.

Breakfast was a rather calm affair. Even with the gloom of Grimmauld place. The twins were happily talking about ideas for their joke items. Ron and Hermione were talking to Harry about things they have done to clean up Grimmauld place and things that could help him with his hearing later that morning.

Before a loud crack and the sound of a trumpet filled the air. Fallowed closely by the sounds of wailing portraits.

Everyone ran up the small stares that lead out of the kitchen. To find a house elf dressed in a red banner like cape over a off white tea cozy, and carrying a trumpet with the with the same red banner. All of which stamped with a coat of arms of a lion and a unicorn on either side of a shield wrap in a belt and a crown sitting on top.

The house elf was covering it's ear along with everyone else. Before it looked up to see everyone standing before it in the entry way.

“Lord Black. Please take control of your house holds portraits or I will burn them out of their frames.” The house elf's high voice broke through the caterwauling of all of the portraits.

“Please do. I've been having to deal with this for last several weeks. My mother put a permanent sticking charm on all of them. I can't even take them down to get rid of them.” Sirius shouted back at the elf.

The house elf looked at everyone and gave a short nod. Before taking one of it's hands off it's ears and snapping. The sound of several cracks and puff filled the air and portrait after portrait puffed off the wall. And the cry of wails quieted down.

Everyone sighed in relief as the wailing stopped completely. The house elf taking both hands off it's ears and listening to see if it had gotten them all. Giving a short nod. The elf turned all of it's attention on to the people in front of it.

“Greetings. I am-”


A pain wail soon filled the air. As Kreacher cam barreling out of the kitchen. Large fat tears streaming down his face as he looked around at the empty places on the walls.

“My Mistress. What have you done with my Mistress.” Kreacher cried. Curling up on to the floor as heavy sobs racked his body.

The new house elf looked down at Kreacher with a bit of disdain. “I see your house elf hasn't been doing it's duty in keeping the house hold in proper order. I guess he has been following the orders from one of the portraits instead of his master, yes?”

“You would be correct in that guess sir elf.” Sirius said looking down at Kreacher with just as much disdain.

“Very well. My fellow house elves and I can take him with us, and have him retrained to be a proper elf.” The house elf said before he looked back up to the people looking down at him.

“Oh would you excuse me. I was about to introduce myself. Before I was interrupted. My name is Kerchief, head house elf of her royal majesty Queen Elizabeth the second. It is a pleasure to make your acquaintance Lord Black, Heir Lord Potter-Black, Lord and Lady Weasley.” The elf said with a bow. The trumpet it was holding going up to it's shoulder as it did.

Sirius was the first to break out of his stupor. The fact that all of the portraits that had plagued them ever since they got to Grimmauld place was gone. Bringing up an arm under his ribs and bowing back at Kerchief. “I thank you Sir Kerchief. For taking care of a problem I feared I would never be rid of. Now tell me. What can the loyal servant of the crown do for you.”

Everyone else following after Sirius' formality by either bowing or curtsying to the elf. Kerchief looked at everyone with a nod before snapping his fingers and popping in a scroll of parchment.

“Yes Lord Black. I am here because you sent a letter to her majesty at twenty-two thirty last night as emergency mail baring the Black Family seal did you not?”

The Weasley's all gasped as Kerchief looked over the scroll in his hand. The fact that Sirius was able to get a message off to the Queen and it being responded to in such a timely matter. Was a bit breath taking for everyone that was watching.

“Yes I did. The Ministry is over stepping it's boundaries and is trying to turn my son Harry into a scapegoat for it's own failings.”

Kerchief looked up from the parchment to look at Harry. “Yes Heir Lord Potter-Black. It has come to our attention that you used a Patronus charm in the presence of your cousin Dudley Dursley. And are now going to stand trial for using said charm in front of your muggle cousin later this morning. am I correct?”

“Yes Sir.”

Kerchief nodded, before going back to look at his parchment. “We in her Majesty's service take the Statute of Secrecy very seriously. And the fact that an under aged wizard used a power charm like that outside of school is a very serious offense. But with us being as thorough as we are. We decided to take a look in to things ourselves. And had found traces of the soul sucking magic that the Dementors use. And can prove that you did use the Patronus charm in the defense of not only your life. But the life of one Dudley Dursley. And we have also found evidence that the Ministry has broken several laws. In the respects of Lord Black and Lord Lupin. As well as over inflating the debt owed by the a previous Weasley lord.”

Both Arthur and Molly gasped and clutched to each other. Both of there eyes starting to well up with tears as Kerchief went back to reading the parchment in front of him.

“So by the power given to me By her Majesty Queen Elizabeth the second. Here by summon Lord Black, Lord Lupin, Lord Weasley, and Heir Lord Potter-Black. To a tribunal of Lords at the Ministry of Magic. And you will be under the direct protection of her Majesty. Tell such matters about all crimes has been cleared or proven to be true.” Kerchief said. Rolling back up the parchment and staring up at everyone expectantly.


See guys comments does make the update engine go vroom. You got two in one day. Just because of one comment that I got.

Chapter 3: To a Tribunal at the Ministry


Alright everybody. Here is chapter 3. just finished and ready for all you lovely people to read it. And all of you can thank Vinievivi. it is their birthday. and for a present they asked for me to update for you all faster. So here it is.

Happy Birthday Vinievivi. I hope this chapter is to your liking. I am sorry that it might show up to you a little late. I am in the central US and might have a different time zone then you.

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

Everyone ran around trying to get ready to head to the Ministry. Kerchief had only given them twenty minutes to get dress, and to gather anything they would need to help with their cases in front of the Tribunal of Lords.

Harry pulled out an old blazer jacket and slacks from his trunk. Mrs. Weasley helped Harry out by using her wand to make sure it all fit right. Complaining about how all of Harry's clothes weren't the proper size for his body. And wondering why his Aunt and Uncle didn't get any of his thing tailored down for him. If they are just going to give the poor boy hand-me downs.

Sirius quickly ran up the stares to grab one of his Father's old robes and suit. Using his own wand to sure up any wear and tear they might have. Picking out one of his favorite robes he could remember his father wearing. And old style black and with green accents robe and matching suit. With a silver crow on each lapel.

Arthur was the one to get ready the quickest. Having already been mostly dressed to go into work as it was. He quickly made it down to Kerchief after grabbing his own suit jacket. But now adding his own lord robes to go on top of it. Arthur hoped that his yellow suit didn't clash to much with the brown and gold accents. It's really been to long since Arthur has had to wear it. He really didn't think that he would have anything to go with it anymore.

Arthur was just pulling his robes on at the bottom of the stares. When Harry and Molly came rushing down. Her hands and wand trying anything she can to get Harry's hair to lie down flat.

“Oh blast it Harry. Is there any way for your hair to lie down?”

“Not that I know of Mrs. Weasley.”

“You might want to try some Sleekeasy's Molly.” Sirius yelled down to them from the top floor. His head poking out over the banister. As bottle of the hair potion floated down to them. Molly reaching out her hand to catch it.

“Thank you Sirius.”

Sirius only gave her a small salute. As he went back in to his rooms to finish getting dress. Molly popped open the bottle and pored a little bit of the potion in her hand. Before she started her attack of Harry's hair again. This time getting it to settle down in a much neater looking style. In stead of it more messy blown about rats nest.

“There. Now you look so much more handsome.” Molly said as she corked the potion bottle again. A kind and sweet smile spreading across her face.

Kerchief pulled out a pocket watch to look at the time. One Harry and Molly were down on the ground floor. “We have two minutes left Lord Black. Please do not make us late. Our guard will be meeting us at the Ministry at eight o'clock sharp. And he does not like to be kept waiting.”

“I'm coming, I'm coming.” Sirius said. Trotting down the stairs. His black robe fluttering around his feet as he moved. Coming to a stop on the bottom step, and flourishing a bow. “My apologies to you Sir Kerchief. I have no intention of making us late to our meeting with our guard. But if you don't mind me asking. Who is going to be our guard on this trip to the ministry?”

Kerchief snapped the pocket watch closed. Taking a look at the four people in front of him. “Lady Weasley, are you not coming?” Kerchief asked, his voice showing through with a little bit of concern. As he looked at Molly still dressed in her knitted jumper and floral printed dress and apron.

Molly blushed a bit at Kerchief's words. “Oh no Sir. I need to stay here and make sure the children don't burn the house down. As well as make sure they all do their jobs in cleaning this place up.”

Kerchief bowed to Molly. “Of course my lady. I can understand the need to make sure a lords house is livable. Even with it not being your own. A lady of your standing can not be left to be in such rubbish. Be sure I will have a small crew of house elves here to help with the cleaning and to take this one for retraining.”

“Oh you don't have to do that. We can manage quite right on our own.” Molly said. Her blush going a bit darker.

“Still we in her majesty's service. Would feel better in helping my lady finish cleaning this place up right. I can feel the things that are skittering through these wall.” Kerchief shuddered a bit at this. “No it is best that you have some house elves to help. They will be here shortly after we leave. Now everyone grab each others hands as well as my own. And I will apparate us to the Ministry.”

Sirius and Arthur lifted up a hand for Harry to grab. As they both took hold of Kerchief's hands. Arthur not even putting up a fight with him being able to apparate to the Ministry himself. Harry grasped each one of their hands. Just as Kerchief apparated with them once Harry closed the circle.


Harry felt the whole world twist sideways. As one moment they were all at Grimmauld place, the next they were at a grand entrance hall with a high ceiling, and several glass windows going up. A large golden fountain taking up the center of the hall.

But Harry's wonder at seeing what the Ministry looks like. A woman starts to scream. Once she recognizes just who apparated inside the Ministry.


Every Ministry official standing in the hall. All drew their wands at once. And pointed them at the four.

But just before any spell could be set flying. The sound of Kerchief''s horn sounded. The magical shock wave that could be felt from the call alone. Stop everyone who heard it in their tracks.

“By order of her majesty Queen Elizabeth the second. Lord Sirius Black is here to stand before a Tribunal for his accused crimes. And is here by under the protection of her majesty herself. Any wizard that would dare to break that protection. Will here by bring down the wrath of her majesty's personal hit-wizards.”

Everyone in the hall didn't know what to make of the house elf that was speaking. All of there faces were either showing a look of confusion, or disbelief. No one could understand why a house elf was saying that the queen had any power over the wizarding community.

Everyone was once again startled by the sound of clapping. As a tall and muscular man with blond hair and black robes with a red trim. Baring the same crest pinned to his lapel along with a second crest below it. Approached the group of four.

“Well said Kerchief.” The man said with a slight grind on his face. “As the elf said. I am Lord Thorfinn Rowle. And I am one of her majesty's magical royal guard and hit-wizard. And if anyone that tries to hurt anyone under my care. Will find themselves up for a fight. And by her majesty's orders. I am aloud to kill first and asked questions later.” Thorfinn said. His eyes moving from one persons face to another.

At this point a couple of Aurors had made there way down to the hall. Kingsley Shacklebolt taking the lead. His wand raised pointing at Thorfinn's chest. “Lord Rowle. I am sorry to say this but that man is a wanted criminal. He has killed twelve muggles and one wizard. And has also broken out of Azkaban. The fact that he is now standing here in the ministry is no less a miracle. We've been searching for him for the last two years.”

“Ah yes Lord Shacklebolt. We are very aware of Lord Black's crimes. And this is why we are here. Or at least one of the reasons. Lord Black is here to stand trial in a Tribunal of Lords to prove his innocence. You should of received and owl this morning about this tribunal Lord Shacklebolt.” Thorfinn said. Giving Kingsley a slight bow. The formality of Lords must always be upheld. Even while working.

“And what is your second reason for being here?” Kingsley asked. His wand lowering to the ground as Thorfinn talked. His keen eyes noticing the fluid way Thorfinn was moving. And despite the man's large size. He was ready and willing to take on everyone standing in the hall. And but how he hand flicked his wand out and back in to it's wrist holster in rapid succession. Kingsley knew that the other lord would be able to take out over half of them before he went down. And if the house elf helped. Kingsley doubted that anyone would be left standing.

“Ah yes, the second reason. Well that one is easy. We are here to help in Heir Lord Potter-Black's hearing.” Thorfinn said before turning around, and bowing to Harry. “Greetings Hear Lord Potter-Black. I am Thorfinn Rowle.” Thorfinn reached out to grasp at Harry's hand and bring it up to his lips. “It is my pleasure to meet you.”

Harry felt an bit awkward, as the big man laid a light kiss to his knuckles. But Harry couldn't help the blush that rose up his cheeks. As Thorfinn gave him a wink as he did.

“But speaking of the young heir lords hearing. It has been moved. We are now almost fifteen minutes late. It was change sometime last night. And they only sent out the letters of the change at seven forty-five this morning.” Thorfinn said. Looking down at the house elf standing beside him.

“WHAT! THE TIME WAS SWITCHED AND WE ARE NOW LATE!” Kerchief said. His hands coming up to clutch at his ears. “The Queen must be told.”

“Calm down Kerchief. I already sent Antonin off to alert her majesty. They are to sure to be here soon. But we really need to make it down to the courtroom. They moved the hearing down to courtroom ten.” Thorfinn said. His voice telling how much he doesn't like all of this underhandedness.

Kerchief looked up at Thorfinn with hope. “You have my Lord?”

“Yes Kerchief. I even sent the House Elf that came here with Lord Lupin to tell the Wizengamont of our displeasure.” Thorfinn said, as he started to move everyone over to the check in desk. “I can't believe holding a full court over something as little as under-aged magic.”

As the group made their way through the crowd of people. Everyone parting around them as they passed. Harry could see Remus standing by a small desk. With the words Security Check written on it. With a poorly-shaven wizard standing beside it. His wand still held in his hand. Watching as Harry, Sirius, Arthur, Kerchief, and Thorfinn approached.

“Hello again Mr. Munch.” Thorfinn greeted. “I have two more for you to check in.” Thorfinn said. Waving his hand out and behind him. Indicating to Harry and Sirius. The security guard looked at them all. His grip on his wand tightening when his eyes landed on Sirius.

“Aha.” Thorfinn held up a finger as he watches the muscles in Munch's jaw tick. “I would seriously think through your next action before you do anything. I would really hate to have to send you to St Mungo's. Just because you didn't want to head my warning. I really will curse first and ask questions later.”

Mr. Munch swallowed hard at the steely look he was getting from the young lord. Giving a curt nod, before going back behind his desk and grabbing a thin golden rod. Thorfinn nodded back at the man and stepped away from in front of Harry and Sirius.

“Come forward so I may check you are any hidden enchantments or dark artifacts.” Mr. Munch said. As he stepped back out from behind his desk.

Harry was the first one to step forward and watch, as Mr. Munch waved the golden rod in front of him. When nothing happened. Mr Munch nodded at Harry, before going to wave it in front of Sirius. Munch's movements were quick but jerky. Face showing a look of weary reluctance. Not wanting to step to close to the convicted criminal then he had too. But knowing that he still had to do his job.

Noticing that the golden rod didn't do anything again. Mr. Munch hurriedly stepped back, and ran behind his desk. “Pl.. Pl.. Please set your wands on the scale for weighing. And I'll give you both a visitors badge.” Mr. Munch said. Trying to keep his voice from shaking the best he can.

Sirius nodded and produced his wand from an inner pocket of his robes. And placed it on the scale. The little trey going down a bit from the weight. After waiting a few seconds. A little slip of paper slipped out of a small slit at the bottom of the scale.

“Black Walnut, ten and a quarter inches, dragon heart string core, been in use for a little over a year. Is that correct?” Mr. Munch said, as he read off the slip. Moving his gaze back up to look at Sirius.

“Yes, it is.” Sirius said. Reaching out to take his wand back. Stepping out of the way. So Harry could place his wand in next. Once Harry had placed his own wand in. The trey once again slides down, and a slip of paper slid out of the slot.

“Holly, eleven inches, Phoenix-feather core, been in use for four years. Is that correct?”

Harry nodded. “Yes sir, it is.”

Mr. Munch nodded back. Just as he reached in to one of his drawers and pulling out two gold badges. Laying them both out on the top of his desk. Mr. Munch tap each one with his wand and handing them both to Harry.

“As long as your here at the Ministry. You both will have to have these badges on you in plain sight at all times.”

“Yes Eric, we know.” Sirius said with a slight frown. Making Mr. Munch jump a bit at Sirius calling out by name. “This may be Harry's first visit to the ministry. But it isn't mine. Can we hurry and get this a move on, please. We are already late. And I would like to get this over and done with.”

“Yes, quite right Lord Black. This are already behind schedule as it is. Her majesty is already going to be upset that this had been sped up without her knowledge.” Kerchief said in a bit of a frantic voice. “I really don't want to be in the Wizengamont's shows once she arrives.”

“Neither do I.” Thorfinn said with a wicked grin spreading across his lips. As he lead the small group to the lifts down at end of the hall.


okay as you can see. comments make the update engine go vroom. So leave your best comments down below.

Chapter 4: A Queen holding Court


Alright everyone here is your next chapter to read. I hope that the wait wasn't too long. I'm trying really hard to expand of the story of the order of the phoenix, and not just rip it all to sherds.

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

Once the small group of wizards were in the lift. Harry turned to give Remus and hug around his middle. Harry was glad that another person that cared about him. Was going to stand beside him as he stood trial. Knowing that he didn't have to go through everything alone. Was a comfort that Harry rarely got.

“How are you doing Harry?” Remus said as he returned the hug.

“Better now that I have another member of my family here.”

Remus crouched down and looked Harry in the eye. “Harry you must always remember. Even if we are not standing right beside you. We will always have your back. No matter what.”

Harry nodded. The feeling of tears pricking the back of his eyes. Made Harry realize that even if his mom and dad wasn't around anymore. That Harry still had parents that he could count on. As Sirius slide his arm around Harry's front and pulling him back. The same sort of love he felt from Remus after what had just said. Filled him once more.

“Moonie is right Harry. We are always going to stand with you. You are our cub. A cub of one Marauder. Is the cub of all Marauders.”

Harry smiled. The warmth of the last friends of his parents. Made the sting of them not being here hurt that much less. Harry knew that Sirius and Remus couldn't replace what had been lost. But they made a very close second.

Thorfinn looked on at the three hugging in the lift cart. A small smile gracing his face. The memory of the night of the dark lords defeat when he was nine. The uproar at loosing Lord and Lady Potter and the survival of Heir Lord Potter-Black. Having brought the evil tyrant down and only as a baby. Was something Thorfinn's nine year old self couldn't comprehend. But standing in the lift right now. Showed the reason as to why.

From and early age; Thorfinn had been trained on the oldest types of magic. And how to see the effects of that magic when he stood in front of it. And Harry had been blessed with one of the oldest types of protective magics. The willing sacrifice of a mothers love. The willingness to die so your child could live. Was one of the oldest and deepest protective spells someone to cast.

It made tears build up in the corners of Thorfinn's eyes. Knowing that the willing sacrifice the Lady Potter had give to Harry. Had left the boy alone and almost helpless in the world. But standing right here and now. Thorfinn could see that the young Heir Lord still had a family to look after him.

Now Thorfinn just hoped that things doesn't change after what the Queen has to say. Because Thorfinn believed that the two men standing before him now. Would put up a bit of a fight. If things weren't handled carefully.

“Sniff. I'm so happy that Harry still has people that were close to his parents still with him.” Arthur said. Wiping away the few tears that were streaming down his face.

“Me too, Lord Weasley. Me too.” Thorfinn said. Pulling out his wand and conjuring up a handkerchief, and passing it over the Arthur.

“Thank you.”

Thorfinn only nodded. Turning his attention back to the remarkable boy in front of him. To have gone through so much in such a young life. Thorfinn doubted that he could of gone through everything Harry has, and turned out half as good and kind as Harry.

The Lift jerked to a stop once it hit the bottom of the shaft. And a smooth feminine voice spoke throughout the lift.

“Floor nine. Department of Mysteries.”

Harry looked up at the ceiling in confusion. “Floor nine? I thought you said that the hearing was going to be on the tenth floor?”

“If it's been moved down here. Then it is. But the left doesn't even go down that far.” Arthur said with a huff. His annoyance at this whole situation now breaking through. “We'll have to walk the rest of the way.”

“Honestly. Holding a full trial for under-aged magic.” Lupin said as he help guide Harry to the set of stares down at the far end of the hall. The black marble stone giving everyone a ghostly reflection.

As they reached the bottom of the stares. The sound of yelling and a trumpet horn could be heard coming from a closed door. Marked the the number ten on it.

Thorfinn smiled. “Well it looks like Bonnet is keeping everyone entertained.”

Just then the door burst open. As a spell came flying out and blasting of the wall. Fallowed closely by several more. Each one blasting holes in the wall.

“Come on. Lets go get this thing over with. So poor Bonnet doesn't have to show them up anymore then she already had.” Thorfinn said. Bring up his wand, and redirecting the next few spells that came flying out the door. With a some perfectly placed shield charms.

Harry arched his brow at the fearlessness that Lord Rowle showed. Being able to step in to oncoming spells without a second thought. And using shield charms so perfectly to block one spell after another. This bravery Thorfinn was showing only added to the handsomeness of the man. Harry only wished that he was a few years older. And maybe Thorfinn would see Harry as something other then a kid.

Harry jerked back a bit. Why had he wished to be older just so he could possibly be attractive to Lord Rowle? Why was Harry thinking about another man like that? Harry like girls. Not blokes. Peering the door once more. And saw how the muscles of Thorfinn's shoulders bunched and moved under neither his robes. He felt heat rush his face. Didn't he?

“THAT IS ENOUGH?” Thorfinn said. As he blocked a stunner aimed at him. And letting it hit his shield with enough force to send a shock wave back at the group of people standing on raised platform and high benches. Everyone taking a bit of the stunner as the red wave hit them. Causing them all to fall back down into their seats.

Everyone looked at the young man that had sent the stunning spell back at them in a wave. Completely in shock. It would normally take an Auror many years to learn how to bounce a spell like that in a wave. And even then it was never a guarantee that it would even turn in to a wave to hit back the caster. But this man did it as easy as casting a summoning charm.

“Now that I have everyone's attention. I am Lord Thorfinn Rowle. And we are here for the hearing of one Heir Lord Harry James Potter-Black. I am not amused with the sudden time change and here by lateness of this proceedings.” Thorfinn said as Harry, Arthur, Remus, and Sirius came walking through the open door.

“Sirius Black.” Fudge said as he took his eyes away from Lord Rowle. To look at the people who just came in. “SEIZE HIM!”

Thorfinn made a quick gesture with his wand. And everyone one of the raised benched that had started to get up to follow the Minister's orders. Was frozen in place. The people sitting next to the ones frozen looked at their companions in shock.

“Now there will be none of that.” Thorfinn said. As he placed his wand back into it holster. “Lord Black here is under the protection of House Rowle and her majesty the Queen. To stand trial for the crimes he has committed. Since he was not give those rights the first time he was captured. By order of Queen Elizabeth the second.”

Fudge looked on at the tall blonde man standing in his court room. His face a deep shade of red. “Now see you here young man. Not you nor anyone else has the authority here to demand a trial for a convicted criminal. Not even the Queen. Who as a muggle should not even know about these proceedings.”

“I wouldn't be so sure of that.” A light and gentle voice said. As a woman in a red and white robe came around the door. With another broad shouldered man with a neatly trimmed scruff and dark hair. Made the sharp angles of his face look that much more attractive. His only black robes pulled tightly across his muscular frame. The white trim on his the opposite to Thorfinn.

Before Harry could have another mental shock at checking out yet another man. The two house elves standing with them. Moved to each side of the door. And blow out a few note.

“We here by bring you to order. You are now standing in her royal highness presence Queen Elizabeth Alexandra Mary the second. Queen of the commonwealth of Britannia.” Kerchief said as the queen stepped foot in the court room.

“Your Majesty.” Fudge said. The light sheen of sweat that dotted his forehead. Catching the light. Quickly standing up from his seat behind the podium in the center. An making his way off the benches to stand in front of the queen. “We at the Ministry had no idea you knew of magic or the magical worlds, your highness.”

Queen Elizabeth just rose her chin a little bit. “Of course I know about magic and the magical world. I am a witch. You blithering buffoon. As a matter of fact. Most of the royal family are witches and wizards.”

Fudge looked on to the queen with shock. “Most of the royal family are wizards?”

“Yes just about two-thirds of the family are magical. But we are not here to talk about my family are we. We are here because you thought it was necessary to hold a full trial for a boy using magic outside of school. And don't think I haven't noticed that you had intentionally changed the time and place of this trail as ploy to your own selfish gain.” Queen Elizabeth said. Her eye's going all steely, as she stared down Fudge.

Fudge was taken aback a bit at the queen's word. But quickly recollected himself and stood up straighter. Trying has best to out size the queen. If not in presence, then if person. “Now see here your majesty. I am Minister for Magic. You may be the queen in the muggle world. But in the magical one. I am the law here. I have all of the power of the Ministry behind me.”

“AND I HAVE THE POWER OF ALL OF BRITAIN BEHIND ME.” Queen Elizabeth said. Taking her cane and stabbing it into the floor. The resulting shock wave that came off the strike. Let everyone know where the queen kept her wand. “The ministry only has what powers I let it have. And the fact that a blithering idiot like yourself is running things. Makes me question how well Britain's magical citizens are fairly being treated.”

“Ehem. Have I come at a bad time?”

Everyone turned to look at the doors. Where stood Professor Dumbledore. His majestic purple and silver robes swirled around his feet and he stepped in to the room. His perpetually calm expression being replaced with one of confusion. He was followed in closely behind by a few other people. Harry was a little surprised to see Professor McGonagall taking a seat in the stands.

“No Professor Dumbledore. You have come at the perfect time.” Queen Elizabeth said. Nodding to the other people taking seats around the room. “And welcome Lords, Ladies, and Stewards of the noble houses of Britain.”

Fudge and the rest of the Wizengamont looked on in shock. As the room quickly filled up with witches and wizards of all the standing pure blood families. Each one dressed in there finest robes.

“What is the meaning of all this?” Fudge asked flabbergasted. The court proceedings against Harry Potter was supposed to be a closed one. But now everyone seems to be showing up for it.

“This Minister, Is the House of Lords. Here to stand a tribunal for Lord Black. As well as to see the hearing of one Heir Lord Harry James Potter-Black.” The Queen said as she sat down behind the podium. Lord Rowle and the Dark haired man sitting down on either side of her. “And it has come to my attention. That the ministry has been interfering with the accounts of certain Lords. Just because of their conditions.”

“I, I, I. What ever could you mean your majesty?” Fudge asked. The sweat now beading his brow. Started to intensify and roll down his face.

“I think you know exactly what I mean Minister.” The Queen said. Leaning over the podium a bit to stare down at the man. The smile on her kind looking face. Doing nothing to hide the anger she felt for the man before her. “But that is a topic for later. Right now we are here to deal with the reasonable restriction of under-aged sorcery charges on our young Heir Lord Potter-Black.”

Fudge couldn't do anything but gulp. Standing before the Queen like he was. Knowing full well what Queen Elizabeth was talking about. All of the bribes Fudge had taken over the years to make things harder of certain people. Just might have just came back to bit him in the ass.

“Yes Your Majesty.”

“Very good. Let get these proceedings started then. I have many other places to be today. And I will like to have these matters done and over with.” Queen Elizabeth said. Her back straight as a rod as she looked upon the court room in front of her. “You may begin.”

“Right.” Fudge said as he brought out a handkerchief from his pocket and dabbed at his face. “The disciplinary hearing of the twelfth of August, into offenses of the decree for reasonable restriction of underaged sorcery and the international statute of secrecy by Heir Lord Harry James Potter-Black, resident at number four, Privet Drive, Little Whinging, Surrey. Interrogators: Cornelius Oswald Fudge, Minister for Magic; Amelia Susan Bones, Head of the Department of Magical Law Enforcement; Dolores Jane Umbridge, Senior Undersecretary to the Minister. Court Scribe, Percy Ignatius Weasley —"

"Witness for the defense, Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore." Professor Dumbledore said. Stepping up from his seat, and conjuring up a chair to sit next to Harry. “May we have the charges against young Heir Lord Potter-Black?”

“Yes.” Fudge said as he looked up at the Queen in silent question. Queen Elizabeth looked down at the podium before her and read out the charges.

“The charges against the accused are as follows, he did knowingly use magic outside of school while under the age of seventeen. Produced a Patronus charm in the presence of a muggle. One Dudley Dursley, am I correct in reading this right?” Queen Elizabeth asked. Looking between Fudge and Harry.

“Yes your Majesty you are.” Fudge said. Standing just a bit taller. The smug look now crossing over his face.

“A patronus?” A hard faced woman asked. Queen Elizabeth looked over at the woman.” My apologies your highness. Amelia Bones at your service. But Heir Lord Potter. You can produce a patronus.” Harry nodded. “A corporeal patronus?”

Harry looked at Madam Bones with confusion. “A What?”

“A corporeal patronus boy.” Madam Bones said with a sigh. “Did it have a form? I wasn't just wisps of vapor?”

“No its a stag. It's always been a stag.”

“Always? You mean that you've produced a patronus before?”

“Yes. I've been able to do it since my third year. Professor Lupin was the one who taught me. Back when we had Dementors patrolling around Hogwarts and I kept having attacks from them.”

“Again my apologies your Majesty. I just had to make sure. It is extraordinary that a wizard so young being able to preform that level of magic.”

“Mhm.” Queen Elizabeth hummed. Turning her gaze to look back at Harry. “Heir Lord Potter-Black. If you don't mind me asking. Whom is this muggle to you? Because from what I am seeing here. Is that you wouldn't cast a Patronus charm in front of a muggle for no reason.”

“No I don't your Majesty. Dudley is my cousin. I've been living with Dudley all my life. He was there when I first found out that I was a wizard. And I only casted my patronus because of the Dementors.”

“Dementors? In Little Whinging?” asked Madam Bones.

“That's quite the clever Amelia. Muggles can't see Dementors, can they boy?” Fudge turned around to look at Harry. The feeling a triumph burning in his beady eyes.

Harry looked back at Fudge with confusion. This was the first time Harry had heard that muggles couldn't see Dementors.

“We do have a witness other then one Dudley Dursley.” Professor Dumbledore said. Standing up in his chair. And approaching the bench.

Queen Elizabeth raised up her hand to stop Professor Dumbledore from coming any closer. Her gaze once again turning to one of steel as she turned to look down at Fudge. “Minister Fudge?”

“Yes your Majesty?”

“Am I getting this right. That these whole court proceedings. Are for nothing more then a young wizard preforming magic in front of a blood relative?” Queen Elizabeth asked. Standing from her seat to stare down at the man before her. “A blood relative that already knows about the magical world, and has known about it for the last five year?”

Fudge swallowed. “Ye, ye, yes your Majesty.”

“Now tell me Minister. Have you done this very same thing to other muggle raised witches and wizard that has performed magic in front of relatives that are ready know about our kind?”

Madam Bones now stood up and gave the queen a bow. “No we have not you highness. Normally we just send them a few warnings, or have them brought in for a stern talk with the child and the muggle parent.”

“I see.” Queen Elizabeth said. Looking back at Fudge before her.

“Your Majesty. Please be reasonable. This boy preformed magic in a muggle suburb. Where he could have been seen by any number of muggles. And this talk of Dementors is ludicrous.” Fudge pleaded. His fear of loosing face in front of the whole Wizengamont setting in.

“It is not so ludicrous your Majesty.” Kerchief said. Stepping forward to stand beside Harry.

“Ah Kerchief. My loyal house elf. What is it that you have found in your investigations.” Queen Elizabeth said. Acknowledging the elf and allowing him to speak.

“Thank you your_”

“Please your Majesty. You can't rely on the words of an elf.” Fudge exclaimed.

“Minister Fudge. If you talk out of turn again. I will have to throw out of this court room. And if need be, out of office.” Queen Elizabeth said. Her voice turning in to one of ice. “Do I make myself clear, Minister?'


“Thank you. You made proceed Kerchief.”

Kerchief bowed to the queen. “Thank you your Majesty. Now like I was say. Upon your orders your highness. We house elves went to carry out and investigation on these charges and had found out that Heir Lord Potter-Black and his cousin was indeed attacked by two Dementors.” Kerchief said with a snap of his finger. Bring up a magical image of the location of the attack. “And here is our findings.” another snap changing the image to a moving one. “As some of you may or may not know. We house elves can look in to the magical signatures of other magical beings, and see what is needed for a magical house hold. Be it the habits of the family that lives there so we may better serve them. Or so we may clean the home of any dark magic that was left behind. And using these abilities we were able to find out that Heir lord Potter-Black and his cousin were indeed attacked by two Dementors.”

Everyone watch in aw as the image moved to show the events of the night Harry and Dudley were attack. And how two Dementors tried to give the kiss to two practically helpless boys. And then Harry using his wand to cast the patronus charm that saved both of their lives.

“Now as you can see. Two Dementors was sent out to harm Heir Lord Potter-Black. And if it wasn't for the quick actions of the Heir Lord. We would of had two innocent boys lives on your hands.”

“Hem, hem. I'm sorry elf. But are you trying to say that the Ministry was the ones to send two Dementors out to attack these boys?” Said a woman in a black robe with a pink collar.

“No Madam Undersecretary. I do not think that is what Sir Kerchief is saying. But I do sincerely hope that the Ministry would look into this matter. As to why two Dementors was so far away from Azkaban.” Professor Dumbledore said. Quickly coming up to stand in front of Harry and Kerchief.

“I have heard enough.” Queen Elizabeth said. Holding up her hand to stop anymore from being said. “In light of the evidence provided before me today. It is quite clear that Heir Lord Potter-Black. Is innocent of all charges. And was indeed using magic in the protection of a muggle's life as well as his own. And even if he was just preforming magic for his muggle cousin. I see no true laws being broken. Even by Madam Bones' own admission. That this trail is nothing more than a farce to break down a young wizard's reputation in the eyes of the public. And so, by the powers invested in me by the royal crown. Here by clear Heir Lord Harry James Potter-Black of all charges.”

Several people in the crowed clapped at the verdict passed down by the queen. Sirius and Remus being some of the few clapping the loudest.


Well everyone. I hoped you liked this chapter. I hoped you all liked the tear down Fudge got. Because even though he went through this once. don't think that his pride wont get the better of him again. We still have his idiocy over the school year to go through. Well I'll see you all again later. Now remember, comments make the update engine go vroom. so leave me your best ones down below.

Chapter 5: The Trial of Lord Sirius Orion Black


Hey everyone. I am so sorry that this took so damn long to come about. But I do have a reason as to why. I don't know how many of you read the comments. But I was asked be my DnD group to DM and campaign. So that took up a good few weeks of time to get ready and get planned out. But now that the game has started. things hopefully go a bit easier in planning my sessions. As well as writing my stories.

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

Queen Elizabeth let the friends and family of young Heir Lord Potter-Black. Have their joy over the fact that he was found innocent of all charges. Even smiling a bit as the boy's godfather came over to hug him.

“See I told you you would be found innocent.” Sirius said into the top of Harry's head. The knowledge that after today. Harry didn't have to worry about this damn farce of a hearing ever again.

“Yes I know you were right Sirius.” Harry said back to his godfather. The relief of having this hearing behind him. Was like taking a weight he didn't know he was carrying off his shoulder.


Everyone that was watching the excited revelry of Heir Lord Harry Potter-Black's charges being cleared. As well as being proven innocent on top of it all. They still have a few more things to take care of. So everyone turned to look back at the Queen.

“While I am very glad that Heir Lord Potter-Black has been found innocent. We still do have a few more things to take care of today. Before court is adjourned.” Queen Elizabeth said. With a gentle smile gracing the happy people below.

“Of course your Majesty.” Sirius said. Letting go of Harry and going to sit in the chair in the center of the room. “I suppose that it is my turn next to stand trail?”

Queen Elizabeth looked down at the man to whom has brought all of this to her attention. “While yes that would be true Lord Black. You are the next one to stand trial. But there are two thing that I would like to take care of first. Since they are both minor matters and will be taken care of quickly.”

Sirius bowed his head and hopped up from the chair and went to go sit by Harry. Giving Harry and small shrug when he gave Sirius a look of confusion.

“Would both Lord Weasley and Lord Lupin please stand, and approach the bench.”

Arthur and Remus both looked at each other in a bit of confusion. But getting up to stand before her majesty.

“It has come to my attention that there has been put a heavy lean on both of your accounts has there not?” Queen Elizabeth asked. Taking a few sheet of parchment from the dark hair man to her left. “Thank you Lord Dolohov.” Lord Dolohov only bowed his head in response.

“Yes your Majesty.” Both Arthur and Remus said in unison.

“It is said here that due to a previous Weasley lord. That all future Weasley heads would have to give up most of their monthly salary. And would only have enough to get by with their day to day needs. Tell the debt has been paid. Is the correct?”

Arthur swallowed back sob. The pain that had been caused to his family just because his great-great-grandfather had angered the wrong people. Had left Arthur feeling hollow and cold. Just doing everything he could just so his children could have as best of a life as he could give. “Yes your Majesty. It is as you say.”

Queen Elizabeth nodded. “And it is said here that due to you being a werewolf Lord Lupin. That you are restricted from most if not all of your family vaults by order of the Ministry. Is that correct?”

“Yes you Majesty. I even have to have a Ministry guard with me when ever I wish to visit Gringotts. So they can monitor on how much I withdrawal. But most of the time I can't even get a Ministry guard to accompany me. So most of the time I can't even take care of my own daily needs.”

“I see.” Queen Elizabeth said. Her gaze turning to steel once again. Making Fudge start to quiver in his leather shoes.

“Well Lord Weasley you would be happy to know that your family's debt has been paid off in full. As of October, eighth, nineteen seventy-two. And will be reimbursed all of the gold that has been wrongfully seized from your accounts at Gringotts. As well as any and all investment accounts your family has had returned to you.”

“Oh thank you your Majesty thank you.” Arthur sobbed. The fact that the family shame of being indebted to pay back that grandfather's mistake. Was finally lifted off of his shoulder. Made Arthur want to apparate home and tell Molly the great news. Completely missing the fact that someone was stealing money from him for the last twenty-two years.

“And you Lord Lupin. The fact the you are even restricted from your vaults sickens me. Though you are a werewolf. You are still a citizen of Britain and there for a free man to have full access to what is rightfully yours by birth. So I here by revoke any and all restrictions place on you to access your vaults. You may come and go as well as withdraw as much gold as you see fit.”

“Thank you your Majesty.” Remus said with a bow. His own tears welling up in his eyes. So happy that he would never have to worry about how he would have to pay for his next wolfs bane potion. Or wonder if he'll have some place to sleep.

Queen Elizabeth waved off any thanks given to her by the two men. “There is no thanks that need to be given. I am only righting wrongs that should have been taken care of a long time ago.”

“Yes of course.” Remus said. Taking the sobbing Arthur by the arms and leading him back to the benches they had been sitting on.

Queen Elizabeth smiled as the two men sat down. She was glad that those two wrongs were so easy to right. Even if she had to send a steely glare to stop that pompous windbag of a Minister to keep quiet. Knowing that he was going to try and start trouble. When she had given Lord Lupin back full access to his vaults.

“Now that has been taken care of. Lord Black would you please step forward. So we can find out if you are as innocent as you claim. Or as guilty as everyone thinks you are.”

Sirius nodded, as he stands. The weight of everyone's eyes centered solely on him. As Sirius walked to the chair in the middle of the room. Each step felt like it would buckle him. His feet felt like lead. His mind felt like it was in a fog. To many possibilities of what could happen this day filled Sirius' mind.

Can he properly prove his innocence? Was there a way for the queen to truly look in to his claims of innocence and prove that what had happened all those years ago. When he found Wormtail on the muggle street. All of those poor muggles blown to bits. Just so he could blame Sirius for his crimes.

Sirius shook his head. As he sat down in the chair. The chains that wrapped around it coiled across Sirius' body. Holding him tight to it.

“Sirius!” Harry shouted. The sight of his godfather bound by the chains was very much unsettling for him.

“I would like to remind you Heir Lord Potter-Black. That this is a criminal trial. And Lord Black will be treated as one. Tell proof of his innocence Has been brought forth. So please stay silent tell the end.” Queen Elizabeth said in a stern voice. Looking over at where Harry was standing in the benches.

“It is fine Harry.” Sirius said. Giving the boy an as reassuring smile he can. Before turning to look back up at the queen. “We may begin at your leisure your Majesty.”

“Yes we will.” Queen Elizabeth said. Being handed another few sheets of parchment, and looking them over. “It say here that one Sirius Orion Black the third. Is here by charge with acting as a spy for the Dark Lord. And was a willing accomplice in the murder of Lord and Lady Potter. By being there secret keeper. And willingly gave up their location to the Dark Lord. Is that correct?”

“Yes your Majesty. Those are my charges.” Sirius said as calmly as he could. The seriousness of the crimes levied against him wasn't a pretty one.

“Hmm, And after the attacks on the Lord and Lady Potter. You went after one of your other friends to kill him too. By way of blasting curse in the middle of a crowed street. Also killing no less then twelve muggles. Is that correct?”

“Yes your Majesty I did intend to find my former friend Peter Pettigrew and kill him. But_”

“You see your Majesty. He admits to the crime he has committed.” Fudge says jumping up from his seat. His fat arm outstretched and pointing to Sirius. His beady little eyes almost popping out of their sockets with the conviction of his power as the Minister. Turning to look up at Queen Elizabeth and beamed with pride. “Your Majesty I don't see the reason as to why this charade of a trial must go on. If he is just going to admit to everything. We can have a Dementor summoned here shortly and have the kiss preformed right away.”

Fudge's look of pride slowly melted away. As he took in the cold stares of the Queen as well as every lord and lady sitting in the court room.

“Minister I would suggest you sit back down.” The Deep voice of Lord Shacklebolt rumbled out across the room. “You must remember that this is a Tribunal of Lords. Not the court of the Wizengamot. You are here as a guest to witness the proceedings. Not to pass judgment.”

“Yes of course Lord Shacklebolt. Please forgive me for my outburst your Majesty.” Fudge said. Sitting back down; trying his best to hide the rising flush going across his face.

Queen Elizabeth sat sternly in her seat behind the podium. If looks could kill. Fudge would have been dead a hundred times over. “If we are done with anymore interruptions?” The cool gaze she shot around the room. Told everyone that her patience was running thin. And anymore interruptions would not be tolerated.

“Yes you Majesty. I would like to interject one thing if I may.”

All eyes turned to look at Madam Umbridge. As she rose her hand up to get the Queens attention.

Queen Elizabeth closed her eyes and breathed in a few calming breaths. “Yes Madam Umbridge? What else would you like to add before we proceed with Lord Black's testimony?”

“Thanks you your Majesty. But I think you forgot to add on his later charges of, escaping from Azkaban prison, the brake into Hogwarts, attempted murder of Heir Lord Potter-Black.” Umbridge said with a curt little smile on her face. Giving off her light chuckle as she retook her seat.

“No Madam Umbridge I have not forgotten to add said charges on. We are currently giving Lord Black the trial he should of had fourteen years ago. One that his station as a lord provided him but no one followed.” Queen Elizabeth said her voice going colder with each word. Causing several members of the Wizengamot to sink a little in their seats.

Giving one more cool glance around the room. Queen Elizabeth nodded back to Sirius. “If you would please continue from where you left off Lord Black. I don't think that we would have anymore interruptions.”

“Thank you your Majesty.” Sirius nodded back. “ Like I was saying. I did hunt down Peter with the intent to kill him. But It wasn't because I was working for Lord Voldemort. It was because he was the only one that could of told that black hearted bastard where Lily and James were.”

At this point Lord Rowle handed Queen Elizabeth another sheet of parchment. “Lord Pettigrew tell Voldemort? How? Because from what Lord Rowle just handed me. It was said that you were meant to be Lord and Lady Potter's secret keeper.”

“Yes your Majesty I was meant to be it.”

“So please do explain. How Lord Pettigrew was able to tell this dark lord about the location of the Potters?”

“Of Course your Majesty. You see your Majesty as the weeks leading up to setting up a safe house for James and his family. James started to worry that there was a possible traitor in the Order of the Phoenix. So James and I decided that we would change the secret keeper at the last minute. Knowing that if there was a actual traitor in the order. They would still come after me. So Lily, James, and Harry would still be safe. No matter the outcome of my survival. All that matter was keeping Harry safe.”

“But the person you decided to change the secret keeper position to happened to be the traitor Lord Potter feared am I correct?” Queen Elizabeth asked. Looking over her glasses to stare Sirius in the eye.

Sirius' voice hitched. “Yes your Majesty. James and I had thought that Voldemort would go after a weak and pathetic wizard like Pettigrew. So we change it to him to throw Voldemort off of James and Lily's trails. But he just happened to be the very person we feared.”

Several people around the court room gasped as they watched famed murderer Sirius Black break down in to sob. As he sat there chained to a seat. The clear memory of the day playing on repeat in Sirius' head. Kerchief not one to stand by when someone was in pain. Walked up to Sirius and wiped at the sobbing mans eyes with a conjured handkerchief.

“Thank you Kerchief.” Sirius said as he tried to collect himself. Kerchief only nodded before going back to stand before the Queen.

“Apologies for interrupting again your Majesty.” Fudge said. Standing up from his seat once more. “But you can't be believing this load of hogwash can you? I mean we have multiple testimonies from the Order of the Phoenix that Sirius Black was the secret keeper for both Lily and James Potter before they all went into hiding. Even Professor Dumbledore gave testimony that Black was the secret keeper.”

“You are correct Minister I did give testimony that Lord Sirius Black was the secret keeper Lily, James, and Harry Potter.” Professor Dumbledore said. He too standing from his seat to address the court. “But I too was kept out of the secret switching of secret keepers. And had been working on old information when I gave that testimony.”

Queen Elizabeth looked back and forth between the two wizards. Before turning her full attention of to Fudge. “Minister Fudge. What I deem to believe or disbelieve is not up for you to debate. And as for believing in Lord Blacks words. I am in incline to believe he is telling the truth.”

“But your Majesty?”

Queen Elizabeth razed up her hand. “I am not finished.”

Fudge closed his mouth with a snap. His face going a shade of red again that can't be healthy for him.

“When the fact that Lord Black had been denied a trial fourteen years ago. And had brought this fact to my attention. I decided to have my house elves do a little digging in the directory of trees for the lords.” Queen Elizabeth said. Motioning to Kerchief to step forward to stand in the middle of the room. Snapping his fingers as he went. Conjuring a large book sized chest.

Once reaching the center of the room. Just before the chair Sirius was sitting on. Kerchief place the chest down on the floor. Quickly pulling the latch on the chest and lifting the lid open. Soon an old and gray tree rose out of the box. It's paper like limbs expanding as it reached it's full height. The once bare branches quickly sprouting portraits of people instead of leaves. All but a few of them having lost their color.

Almost everyone in the room gasped. As the looked at the family tree of the Pettigrew line. Peter Pettigrew's portrait sitting rear the top of the tree. His name and face smiling down at everyone to see. Just as bright and colorful as the day it grew out of the trunk.

“But that can't be?” Fudge said from his seat. His skin going from the heated red it once was to an ashy white. “This has to be a trick.”

“You know just as well as the rest of us Minister. That magically made family trees can not be made to believe that one of it's members to be dead when they are not.” Said the hard voice of the man sitting next to the Queen. Lord Dolohov sharp eyes were glaring daggers at the pompous lout.

“And that is not all your Majesty.” Kerchief said. Coming to stand before the tree once more. His small hands held behind his back as he looked up at the Queen. “We house elves can confirm that Lord Black has not had the Fidelius Charm preformed on him. Lord Black was never made Lord and Lady Potter's secret keeper.”


Alright everyone that was chapter 5. Tell me what you liked, what you didn't like. And yes I stole the whole family tree thing from the Fantastic Beast movies. I thought that it would make since in the trial, and make Sirius story more believable. Now comments make the update engine go faster. So, leave me your best ones.

Betrothal of Lords - sync433 - Harry Potter (2024)


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Name: Domingo Moore

Birthday: 1997-05-20

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Hobby: Kayaking, Roller skating, Cabaret, Rugby, Homebrewing, Creative writing, amateur radio

Introduction: My name is Domingo Moore, I am a attractive, gorgeous, funny, jolly, spotless, nice, fantastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.